
What are Token Extensions?

The Token Extensions Program (Token 2022) provides more features through extra instructions referred to as extensions. Extensions are optional features you can add to a token mint or token account. You can find the implementation of these extension instructions in the Token Extensions Program source code.

Each extension adds specific state that's generally initialized during mint or token account creation. When initializing either account, you can enable specific extensions simultaneously for different functionality. Most extensions can't be added after an account is initialized. This is an important consideration when designing your token, as you'll need to plan ahead for which features you want your token to support.

Some extensions are incompatible with each other and you can't enable them simultaneously on the same token mint or token account. For example, you can't combine the NonTransferable extension with the TransferFeeConfig extension, since they have conflicting behaviors.

The Token Extensions Program defines an ExtensionType enum that lists all available extensions you can add to a token mint or token account. Each variant represents a different extension with unique functionality.

The ExtensionType enum is defined as follows:

Token Extensions
/// Extensions that can be applied to mints or accounts. Mint extensions must
/// only be applied to mint accounts, and account extensions must only be
/// applied to token holding accounts.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-traits", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-traits", serde(rename_all = "camelCase"))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)]
pub enum ExtensionType {
/// Used as padding if the account size would otherwise be 355, same as a
/// multisig
/// Includes transfer fee rate info and accompanying authorities to withdraw
/// and set the fee
/// Includes withheld transfer fees
/// Includes an optional mint close authority
/// Auditor configuration for confidential transfers
/// State for confidential transfers
/// Specifies the default Account::state for new Accounts
/// Indicates that the Account owner authority cannot be changed
/// Require inbound transfers to have memo
/// Indicates that the tokens from this mint can't be transferred
/// Tokens accrue interest over time,
/// Locks privileged token operations from happening via CPI
/// Includes an optional permanent delegate
/// Indicates that the tokens in this account belong to a non-transferable
/// mint
/// Mint requires a CPI to a program implementing the "transfer hook"
/// interface
/// Indicates that the tokens in this account belong to a mint with a
/// transfer hook
/// Includes encrypted withheld fees and the encryption public that they are
/// encrypted under
/// Includes confidential withheld transfer fees
/// Mint contains a pointer to another account (or the same account) that
/// holds metadata
/// Mint contains token-metadata
/// Mint contains a pointer to another account (or the same account) that
/// holds group configurations
/// Mint contains token group configurations
/// Mint contains a pointer to another account (or the same account) that
/// holds group member configurations
/// Mint contains token group member configurations
/// Mint allowing the minting and burning of confidential tokens
/// Tokens whose UI amount is scaled by a given amount
/// Tokens where minting / burning / transferring can be paused
/// Indicates that the account belongs to a pausable mint
/// Test variable-length mint extension
VariableLenMintTest = u16::MAX - 2,
/// Padding extension used to make an account exactly Multisig::LEN, used
/// for testing
/// Padding extension used to make a mint exactly Multisig::LEN, used for
/// testing

Each extension adds specialized functionality by including extra state to a mint or token account. All extension specific state is stored in the tlv_data field, which follows the base account data type. You must further deserialize the tlv_data (containing extension state) according to the specific extension types enabled for that account.

Token Extensions
/// Encapsulates immutable base state data (mint or account) with possible
/// extensions, where the base state is Pod for zero-copy serde.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PodStateWithExtensions<'data, S: BaseState + Pod> {
/// Unpacked base data
pub base: &'data S,
/// Slice of data containing all TLV data, deserialized on demand
tlv_data: &'data [u8],

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