Kun puhutaan lohkoketjusta, se mistä ihmiset puhuvat eniten — hinta — on itse asiassa vähiten mielenkiintoinen osa. Kryptokeskustelut koskevat liian usein sitä, kuka on nousussa ja kuka laskussa, mitä ostaa ja mitä myydä, ja tämän päivän draamaa Twitterissä. Useimmat kryptokeskustelut jättävät väliin sen, miten se tulee muuttamaan ... kaiken. VALIDATED-podcastissa puhumme ihmisille, jotka ajattelevat internetin — ja maailmamme — uudelleen. Ei hype-syklejä. Ei taloudellisia neuvoja. Vain keskusteluja suurimmista ideoista, jotka muokkaavat internetin tulevaisuutta. Web3 on monimutkainen, mutta ei koskaan tylsä.
Viimeisimmät jaksot
The Aptos Roadmap w/ Avery Ching (Aptos Labs)
In this episode, Austin chats with Avery Ching (Aptos Labs) about the latest developments and future vision for Aptos. Avery recounts his early involvement with Libra/Diem at Meta, his journey into the crypto space, and the technical ...
| 52:04Is Social Trading Crypto's Next Big Thing? w/ Ilja Moisejevs and Richard Wu
In this episode, Austin chats with Ilmoi and Richard Wu about Vector, a social trading app that combines elements of Robinhood and Twitter. They delve into the core functionality of Vector, its community-building strategies, and the ...
| 40:38 | E82Increase Bandwidth, Reduce Latency w/ Mateo Ward and Andrew McConnell (Malbec Labs)
In this episode of Validated, Austin discusses his new venture DoubleZero with co-founders Andrew McConnell and Matteo Ward. They discuss the necessity of creating high-performance networking specifically tailored for blockchains, ...
| 60:20 | E81Will Stablecoins and PayFi Replace Traditional Banking? w/ Anna Yuan (Perena)
In this episode, Austin chats with Anna Yuan about the founding of QuineCo, the company behind Perena, a new protocol designed to support the liquidity, interoperability, and capital efficiency of stablecoins. The conversation covers ...
| 44:35Let's Make Solana Cypherpunk w/ Yannik Schrade (Arcium)
In this episode, Austin chats with Yannik Schrade (Arcium) about the current state of zero knowledge technology. The conversation delves into various aspects of zero knowledge proofs, secure multi-party computation (MPC), and fully ...
| 39:51