Un manuel pour rejoindre l'écosystème Solana. Par les constructeurs pour les constructeurs.
Utilisez ces cours de la Fondation Solana et de la communauté pour commencer votre voyage dans le développement Solana.
Commencez votre voyage dans le développement Solana à partir de rien jusqu'à des programmes complexes.
Apprenez grâce aux tutoriels et guides de l'ensemble de l'écosystème Solana.
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
Lisez la documentation de Solana et des outils populaires.
Apprenez comment fonctionne Solana et obtenez une compréhension globale de l'architecture de Solana.
Construisez rapidement des programmes Solana sécurisés en Rust en utilisant le framework Anchor.
Agave 2.0 reaches supermajority on mainnet; 2.1 coming. Updates include Windows build fixes & QUIC voting implementation. New resources cover web3.js v2 and ...
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