How to Optimize Compute Usage on Solana

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When developing on Solana, it's important to keep in mind the compute usage of your programs. Program compute usage has an impact on both the max performance your users can have, as well as increase the cost of executing transactions with priority fees.

Optimizing your Compute Unit (CU) usage has the following benefits:

  1. A smaller transaction is more likely to be included in a block.
  2. Cheaper instructions make your program more composable.
  3. Lowers overall amount of block usage, enabling more transactions to be included in a block.

In this guide, we'll cover how to optimize your program's compute usage to ensure it's as efficient as possible.

What are the Current Compute Limitations?

Solana programs have a few compute limitations to be aware of:

  • Max Compute per block: 48 million CU
  • Max Compute per account per block: 12 million CU
  • Max Compute per transaction: 1.4 million CU

Keeping your program's compute usage within these limits is important to ensure your program can be executed in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. Especially when your program starts to get used by a large number of users, you want to make sure that your program's compute usage is as efficient as possible to avoid hitting the max compute per account cap.

How to Measure Compute Usage

When building out your Solana program, you'll want to check how much compute different parts of your program are using. You can use the compute_fn macro to measure compute unit usage of different snippets of code.

You measure your compute usage with the following code:

compute_fn!("My message" => {
    // Your code here

The output of this macro will give you the compute usage before and after your code, helping you understand what parts of your program are using the most compute. You can find an example of using this macro in the cu_optimizations repository.

Optimizing your Program


While logging is a great way to understand what is going on inside your program, logging is also very expensive. You should avoid logging non-essential information in your programs to keep your program usage down.

For example, both base58 encoding and concatenation are expensive operations:

// 11962 CU !!
// Base58 encoding is expensive, concatenation is expensive
compute_fn! { "Log a pubkey to account info" =>
    msg!("A string {0}", ctx.accounts.counter.to_account_info().key());
// 357 CU - string concatenation is expensive
compute_fn! { "Log a pubkey simple concat" =>
    msg!("A string {0}", "5w6z5PWvtkCd4PaAV7avxE6Fy5brhZsFdbRLMt8UefRQ");

If you do want to log a pubkey, you can use .key() and .log() to efficiently log it with lower compute usage:

// 262 cu
compute_fn! { "Log a pubkey" =>

Data Types

Larger data types use more Compute Units overall. Make sure you actually need a larger data type such as a u64 before you use it, as it can incur much higher usage overall compared to a smaller data type such as a u8.

// 357
compute_fn! { "Push Vector u64 " =>
    let mut a: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
// 211 CU
compute_fn! { "Vector u8 " =>
    let mut a: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();

Overall these data type differences can add up to costing a lot more throughout your program.


Serialization and deserialization are both expensive operations depending on the account struct. If possible, use zero copy and directly interact with the account data to avoid these expensive operations.

// 6302 CU
pub fn initialize(_ctx: Context<InitializeCounter>) -> Result<()> {
// 5020 CU
pub fn initialize_zero_copy(_ctx: Context<InitializeCounterZeroCopy>) -> Result<()> {
// 108 CU - total CU including serialization 2600
let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter;
compute_fn! { "Borsh Serialize" =>
    counter.count = counter.count.checked_add(1).unwrap();
// 151 CU - total CU including serialization 1254
let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter_zero_copy.load_mut()?;
compute_fn! { "Zero Copy Serialize" =>
    counter.count = counter.count.checked_add(1).unwrap();

Using the above examples, you can potentially save half or more of your total CU usage by using zero copy within your program.

Program Derived Addresses

Using Program Derived Addresses(PDAs) is a common practice within your program, but it's important to be aware of the compute usage of find_program_address and how you can optimize it.

If find_program_address has to take a long time to find a valid address, meaning it has a high bump, the overall compute unit usage will be higher. You can optimize finding the PDAs after initialization by saving the bump into an account and using it in the future.

pub fn pdas(ctx: Context<PdaAccounts>) -> Result<()> {
    let program_id = Pubkey::from_str("5w6z5PWvtkCd4PaAV7avxE6Fy5brhZsFdbRLMt8UefRQ").unwrap();
    // 12,136 CUs
    compute_fn! { "Find PDA" =>
        Pubkey::find_program_address(&[b"counter"], ctx.program_id);
    // 1,651 CUs
    compute_fn! { "Find PDA" =>
        Pubkey::create_program_address(&[b"counter", &[248_u8]], &program_id).unwrap();
pub struct PdaAccounts<'info> {
    pub counter: Account<'info, CounterData>,
    // 12,136 CUs when not defining the bump
        seeds = [b"counter"],
    pub counter_checked: Account<'info, CounterData>,
pub struct PdaAccounts<'info> {
    pub counter: Account<'info, CounterData>,
    // only 1600 if using the bump that is saved in the counter_checked account
        seeds = [b"counter"],
        bump = counter_checked.bump
    pub counter_checked: Account<'info, CounterData>,

Further Compute Optimizations

There are many other ways to optimize your program's compute usage, such as writing in native instead of anchor, but it all comes at a cost. If you want the absolute best compute usage on your program, you should evaluate and test different methods to see what works best for your specific use case.