Greenpeace and Greener Crypto - Ep #72

| 32:54 | E72

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Rolf Skar (Special Projects Manager, Greenpeace USA) and Daniel Hwang (Co-founder, Validator Commons and BICOWG) discuss the intersection of climate change and crypto, particularly Greenpeace's Change the Code campaign. This episode is part of a 3-part series that examines the climate crisis and the role that web3 communities might play in providing solutions.

Aflevering Notities

0:09 - Episode overview

2:17 - Rolf Skar introduction and Greenpeace’s mission

4:39 - Daniel Hwang introduction

6:54 - Greenpeace’s history with energy-intensive crypto

8:24 - The Change the Code Coalition

12:32 - Why changing Bitcoin’s code might be feasible 

15:49 - What changing the code would entail

19:27 - What self-interested incentives are needed in order to change the code  

24:49 - How institutions with climate commitments address Bitcoin investments 

26:19 - The Blockchain Infrastructure Working Group

28:57 - Rolf’s impression of the Web3 community

31:37 - Closing remarks 

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