How Pyth Is Changing the Oracle Game w/ Jayant Krishnamurthy
| 51:31Episode Summary
Oracles are an essential part of how real-world data gets integrated into DeFi smart contracts, but historically, that process has been fraught with challenges. In this episode, Jayant Krishnamurthy (Duoro Labs) explains how Pyth is addressing these challenges and redefining how a blockchain oracle can work. Originally built on Solana’s L1, Pyth is a low-latency, high-frequency oracle that has expanded beyond the Solana ecosystem and now provides data feeds for over 30 blockchains. The way it does this is through Pythnet – the first network to deploy the Solana codebase for an application specific blockchain.
Episode Notes
Oracles are an essential part of how real-world data gets integrated into DeFi smart contracts, but historically, that process has been fraught with challenges. In this episode, Jayant Krishnamurthy (Duoro Labs) explains how Pyth is addressing these challenges and redefining how a blockchain oracle can work. Originally built on Solana’s L1, Pyth is a low-latency, high-frequency oracle that has expanded beyond the Solana ecosystem and now provides data feeds for over 30 blockchains. The way it does this is through Pythnet – the first network to deploy the Solana codebase for an application specific blockchain.
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Show ContributorsJayant Krishnamurthy