transfer hook
extension allows developers to run custom logic on their tokens on every transfer -
When a token has a transfer hook, the Token Extensions Program will invoke the transfer hook instruction on every token transfer
For the program to be able to act as a transfer hook program, it needs to implement the
interface -
Transfer hooks may use additional accounts beyond those involved in a normal, non-hooked transfer. These are called 'extra accounts' and must be provided by the transfer instruction, and are set up in in
when creating the token mint. -
Within the transfer hook CPI, the sender, mint, receiver and owner are all de-escalated, meaning they are read-only to the hook. Meaning none of those accounts can sign or be written to.
The transfer-hook
extension allows custom onchain logic to be run after each
transfer within the same transaction. More specifically, the transfer-hook
extension requires a 'hook' or 'callback' in the form of a Solana program
following the
Transfer Hook Interface.
Then every time any token of that mint is transferred the Token Extensions
Program calls this 'hook' as a CPI.
Additionally, the transfer-hook
extension also stores extra-account-metas
which are any additional accounts needed for the hook to function.
This extension allows many new use cases, including:
- Enforcing artist royalty payments to transfer NFTs.
- Stopping tokens from being transferred to known bad actors (blocklists).
- Requiring accounts to own a particular NFT to receive a token (allowlists).
- Token analytics.
In this lesson, we'll explore how to implement transfer hooks onchain and work with them in the frontend.
Implementing transfer hooks onchain
The first part of creating a mint with a transfer hook
is to find or create an
onchain program that follows the
Transfer Hook Interface.
The Transfer Hook Interface specifies the transfer hook program includes:
(required): An instruction handler that the Token Extensions Program invokes on every token transfer -
(optional): creates an account (extra_account_meta_list
) that stores a list of additional accounts (i.e. those needed by the transfer hook program, beyond the accounts needed for a simple transfer) required by theExecute
instruction -
(optional): updates the list of additional accounts by overwriting the existing list
Technically it's not required to implement the InitializeExtraAccountMetaList
instruction using the interface, but it's still required to have the
account. This account can be created by any
instruction on a Transfer Hook program. However, the Program Derived Address
(PDA) for the account must be derived using the following seeds:
The hard-coded string
The Mint Account address
The Transfer Hook program ID
const [pda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([Buffer.from("extra-account-metas"), mint.publicKey.toBuffer()],program.programId, // transfer hook program ID);
By storing the extra accounts required by the Execute
instruction in the
PDA, these accounts can be automatically added to a
token transfer instruction from the client. We'll see how to do that in the
offchain section.
1. initialize_extra_account_meta_list
When we transfer a token using the Token Extensions Program, the program will
examine our mint to determine if it has a transfer hook. If a transfer hook is
present, the Token Extensions Program will initiate a CPI (cross-program
invocation) to our transfer hook program. The Token Extensions Program will then
pass all the accounts in the transfer (including the extra accounts specified in
the extra_account_meta_list
) to the transfer hook program. However, before
passing the 4 essential accounts (sender
, mint
, receiver
, owner
), it
will de-escalate them (i.e. remove the mutable or signing abilities for security
In other words, when our hook receives these accounts, they will be read-only.
The transfer hook program cannot modify these accounts, nor can it sign any
transactions with them. Although we cannot alter or sign with any of these four
accounts, we can specify is_signer
and is_writable
to any of the additional
accounts in the extra_account_meta_list
PDA. Additionally, we can use the
PDA as a signer for any new data accounts specified in
the hook program.
The extra_account_meta_list
has to be created before any transfer occurs. It's
also worth noting that we can update the list of accounts in the
by implementing and using the
instruction if necessary.
The extra_account_meta_list
is just a list of ExtraAccountMeta
. Let's take a
look at the struct ExtraAccountMeta
in the source code:
impl ExtraAccountMeta {/// Create a `ExtraAccountMeta` from a public key/// This represents standard `AccountMeta`pub fn new_with_pubkey(pubkey: &Pubkey,is_signer: bool,is_writable: bool,) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {Ok(Self {discriminator: 0,address_config: pubkey.to_bytes(),is_signer: is_signer.into(),is_writable: is_writable.into(),})}/// Create an `ExtraAccountMeta` PDA from a list of seedspub fn new_with_seeds(seeds: &[Seed],is_signer: bool,is_writable: bool,) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {Ok(Self {discriminator: 1,address_config: Seed::pack_into_address_config(seeds)?,is_signer: is_signer.into(),is_writable: is_writable.into(),})}/// Create an `ExtraAccountMeta` PDA for an external program from a list of seeds/// This PDA belongs to a program elsewhere in the account list, rather/// than the executing program. For a PDA on the executing program, use/// `ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds`.pub fn new_external_pda_with_seeds(program_index: u8,seeds: &[Seed],is_signer: bool,is_writable: bool,) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {Ok(Self {discriminator: program_index.checked_add(U8_TOP_BIT).ok_or(AccountResolutionError::InvalidSeedConfig)?,address_config: Seed::pack_into_address_config(seeds)?,is_signer: is_signer.into(),is_writable: is_writable.into(),})}
We have three methods for creating an ExtraAccountMeta
- For any normal account (not a program account) -
- For a program account PDA from the calling transfer hook program -
- For a program account PDA from a different external program
Now that we know the accounts we can store them in extra_account_meta_list
Let's talk about the InitializeExtraAccountMetaList
instruction itself. For
most implementations, it should simply just create the extra_account_meta_list
account and load it up with any additional accounts it needs.
Let's take a look at a simple example where we'll initialize an
with two additional arbitrary accounts, some_account
and a pda_account
. The initialize_extra_account_meta_list
function will do
the following:
Prepare the accounts we need to store in the
account as a vector (we'll discuss that in-depth in a moment). -
Calculate the size and rent required to store the list of
. -
Make a CPI to the System Program to create an account and set the Transfer Hook Program as the owner, and then initialize the account data to store the list of
#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList<'info> {#[account(mut)]payer: Signer<'info>,/// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account, must use these seeds#[account(mut,seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()],bump)]pub extra_account_meta_list: AccountInfo<'info>,pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,// Accounts to add to the extra-account-metaspub some_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,#[account(seeds = [b"some-seed"], bump)]pub pda_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,}pub fn initialize_extra_account_meta_list(ctx: Context<InitializeExtraAccountMetaList>) -> Result<()> {let account_metas = vec![ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.some_account.key(), false, true)?, // Read onlyExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(&[Seed::Literal {bytes: "some-seed".as_bytes().to_vec(),},],true, // is_signertrue // is_writable)?,];// calculate account sizelet account_size = ExtraAccountMetaList::size_of(account_metas.len())? as u64;// calculate minimum required lamportslet lamports = Rent::get()?.minimum_balance(account_size as usize);let mint =;let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[b"extra-account-metas", &mint.as_ref(), &[ctx.bumps.extra_account_meta_list]]];// create ExtraAccountMetaList accountcreate_account(CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), CreateAccount {from: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),to: ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.to_account_info(),}).with_signer(signer_seeds),lamports,account_size,ctx.program_id)?;// initialize ExtraAccountMetaList account with extra accountsExtraAccountMetaList::init::<ExecuteInstruction>(&mut ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.try_borrow_mut_data()?,&account_metas)?;Ok(())}
Let's dive a little deeper into the ExtraAccountMeta
you can store.
You can directly store the account address, store the seeds to derive a PDA of the program itself and store the seeds to derive a PDA for a program other than the Transfer Hook program.
The first method is straightforward ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey
; you
just need an account address. You can pass it to the instruction or get it from
a library (like the system program or the token program), or you can even
hardcode it.
However, the most interesting part here is storing the seeds, and it could
either be a PDA of the transfer hook program itself or a PDA of another program
like an associated token account. We can do both of them by using
, respectively, and pass the
seeds to them.
To learn how we could pass the seeds, let's take a look at the source code itself:
pub fn new_with_seeds(seeds: &[Seed],is_signer: bool,is_writable: bool,)pub fn new_external_pda_with_seeds(program_index: u8,seeds: &[Seed],is_signer: bool,is_writable: bool,)
Both of these methods are similar; the only change is we need to pass the
for the PDAs that are not of our program in the
method. Other than that we need to provide a list
of seeds (which we'll talk about soon) and two booleans for is_signer
to determine if the account should be a signer or writable.
Providing the seeds themselves takes a little explanation. Hard-coded literal seeds are easy enough, but what happens if you want a seed to be variable, say created with the public key of a passed-in account? To make sense of this, let's break it down to make it easier to understand. First, take a look at the seed enum implementation from spl_tlv_account_resolution::seeds::Seed:
pub enum Seed/// Uninitialized configuration byte spaceUninitialized,/// A literal hard-coded argument/// Packed as:/// * 1 - Discriminator/// * 1 - Length of literal/// * N - Literal bytes themselvesLiteral {/// The literal value represented as a vector of bytes.////// For example, if a literal value is a string literal,/// such as "my-seed", this value would be/// `"my-seed".as_bytes().to_vec()`.bytes: Vec<u8>,},/// An instruction-provided argument, to be resolved from the instruction/// data/// Packed as:/// * 1 - Discriminator/// * 1 - Start index of instruction data/// * 1 - Length of instruction data starting at indexInstructionData {/// The index where the bytes of an instruction argument beginindex: u8,/// The length of the instruction argument (number of bytes)////// Note: Max seed length is 32 bytes, so `u8` is appropriate herelength: u8,},/// The public key of an account from the entire accounts list./// Note: This includes any extra accounts required.////// Packed as:/// * 1 - Discriminator/// * 1 - Index of account in the accounts listAccountKey {/// The index of the account in the entire accounts listindex: u8,},/// An argument to be resolved from the inner data of some account/// Packed as:/// * 1 - Discriminator/// * 1 - Index of account in the accounts list/// * 1 - Start index of account data/// * 1 - Length of account data starting at indexAccountData {/// The index of the account in the entire accounts listaccount_index: u8,/// The index where the bytes of an account data argument begindata_index: u8,/// The length of the argument (number of bytes)////// Note: Max seed length is 32 bytes, so `u8` is appropriate herelength: u8,},}
As we can see from the code above, there are four main ways to provide seeds:
A literal hard-coded argument, such as the string
. -
An instruction-provided argument, to be resolved from the instruction data. This can be done by giving the start index and the length of the data we want to have as a seed.
The public key of an account from the entire accounts list. This can be done by giving the index of the account (we'll talk about this more soon).
An argument to be resolved from the inner data of some account. This can be done by giving the index of the account, the start index of the data, along with the length of the data we want to have as a seed.
To use the 2 last methods of setting the seed, you need to get the account
index. This represents the index of the account passed into the Execute
function of the hook. The indexes are standardized:
index 0-3 will always be,
, andowner
respectively -
index 4: will be the
index 5+: will be in whatever order you create your
// index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)// index 4 is the extra_account_meta_list accountlet account_metas = vec![// index 5 - some_accountExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.some_account.key(), false, true)?,// index 6 - pda_accountExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(&[Seed::Literal {bytes: "some-seed".as_bytes().to_vec(),},],true, // is_signertrue // is_writable)?,];
Now, let's say that the pda_account
was created from "some-seed" and belonged
to some_account
. This is where we can specify the account key index:
// index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)// index 4 is the extra_account_meta_list accountlet account_metas = vec![// index 5 - some_accountExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.some_account.key(), false, true)?,// index 6 - pda_accountExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(&[Seed::AccountKey {index: 5, // index of `some_account`},Seed::Literal {bytes: "some-seed".as_bytes().to_vec(),},],true, // is_signertrue // is_writable)?,];
Note: remember that the accounts indexed 0-4 are defined by the Execute
function of the transfer hook. They are: source
, mint
, destination
, extra_account_meta_list
respectively. The first four of which, are
de-escalated, or read-only. These will always be read-only. If you try to be
sneaky and add any of these first four accounts into the
, they will always be interpreted as read-only, even if
you specify them differently with is_writable
or is_signer
2. transfer_hook
In Anchor, when the Execute
function is called, it looks for and calls the
instruction. It is the place where we can implement our custom
logic for the token transfer.
When the Token Extensions Program invokes our program, it will invoke this
instruction and pass to it all the accounts plus the amount of the transfer that
just happened. The first 5 accounts will always be source
, mint
, owner
, extraAccountMetaList
, and the rest are the extra
accounts that we added to the ExtraAccountMetaList
account if there is any.
Let's take a look at an example TransferHook
struct for this instruction:
// Order of accounts matters for this struct.// The first 4 accounts are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)// Remaining accounts are the extra accounts required from the ExtraAccountMetaList account// These accounts are provided via CPI to this program from the Token Extensions Program#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct TransferHook<'info> {#[account(token::mint = mint, token::authority = owner)]pub source_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,#[account(token::mint = mint)]pub destination_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,/// CHECK: source token account owner/// This account is not being checked because it is used for ownership validation within the `transfer_hook` owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,/// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account,/// This account list is not being checked because it is used dynamically within the program logic.#[account(seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()], bump)]pub extra_account_meta_list: UncheckedAccount<'info>,// Accounts to add to the extra-account-metaspub some_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,#[account(seeds = [b"some-seed"], bump)]pub pda_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,}
As mentioned in the comment, the order here matters; we need the first 5
accounts as shown above, and then the rest of the accounts need to follow the
order of the accounts in the extraAccountMetaList
Other than that, you can write any functionality you want in within the transfer hook. But remember, if the hook fails, the entire transaction fails.
pub fn transfer_hook(ctx: Context<TransferHook>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {// do your logic hereOk(())}
3. Fallback
One last caveat to the onchain portion of transfer hooks: when dealing with
Anchor, we need to specify a fallback
instruction in the Anchor program to
handle the Cross-Program Invocation (CPI) from the Token Extensions Program.
This is necessary because Anchor generates instruction discriminators
differently from the ones used in the Transfer Hook interface instructions. The
instruction discriminator for the transfer_hook
instruction will not match the
one for the Transfer Hook interface.
Next, versions of Anchor should solve this for us, but for now, we can implement this simple workaround:
// fallback instruction handler as work-around to anchor instruction discriminator checkpub fn fallback<'info>(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &'info [AccountInfo<'info>], data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {let instruction = TransferHookInstruction::unpack(data)?;// match instruction discriminator to transfer hook interface execute instruction// token2022 program CPIs this instruction on token transfermatch instruction {TransferHookInstruction::Execute { amount } => {let amount_bytes = amount.to_le_bytes();// invoke custom transfer hook instruction on our program__private::__global::transfer_hook(program_id, accounts, &amount_bytes)}_ => {return Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData.into());}}}
Using transfer hooks from the frontend
Now that we've looked at the onchain portion, let's look at how we interact with them in the frontend.
Let's assume we have a deployed Solana program that follows the Transfer Hook Interface.
In order to create a mint with a transfer hook and ensure successful transfers, follow these steps:
Create the mint with the transfer hook extension and point to the onchain transfer hook program you want to use.
Initialize the
account. This step must be done before any transfer, and it is the responsibility of the mint owner/creator. It only needs to happen once for each mint. -
Make sure to pass all the required accounts when invoking the transfer instruction from the Token Extensions Program.
Create a Mint with the Transfer-Hook
To create a mint with the transfer-hook extension, we need three instructions:
- Reserves space on the blockchain for the mint account -
- initializes the transfer hook extension, this takes the transfer hook's program address as a parameter. -
- Initializes the mint.
const extensions = [ExtensionType.TransferHook];const mintLen = getMintLen(extensions);const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(mintLen);const transaction = new Transaction().add(// Allocate the mint accountSystemProgram.createAccount({fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,newAccountPubkey: mint.publicKey,space: mintLen,lamports: lamports,programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,}),// Initialize the transfer hook extension and point to our programcreateInitializeTransferHookInstruction(mint.publicKey,wallet.publicKey,program.programId, // Transfer Hook Program IDTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),// Initialize mint instructioncreateInitializeMintInstruction(mint.publicKey, decimals, wallet.publicKey, null, TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID),
Initialize ExtraAccountMetaList
The next step of getting the mint ready for any transactions is initializing the
. Generally, this is done by calling the
function on the program containing the transfer
hook. Since this is part of the Transfer Hook Interface, this should be
standardized. Additionally, if the transfer hook program was made with Anchor,
it will most likely have autogenerated IDLs, which are TypeScript interfaces
that represent the instructions and accounts of the program. This makes it easy
to interact with the program from the client side.
If you made your own program in Anchor, the IDLs will be in the target/idl
folder after compilation. Inside tests or client code you can access the methods
directly from anchor.workspace.program_name.method
import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";const program = anchor.workspace.TransferHook as anchor.Program<TransferHook>;// now program.method will give you the methods of the program
so to initialize the ExtraAccountMetaList
all that we need to do is to call
the initializeExtraAccountMetaList
from the methods and pass the right
accounts to it, you can use the autocomplete feature to get more help with that
const initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction = await program.methods.initializeExtraAccountMetaList().accounts({mint: mint.publicKey,extraAccountMetaList: extraAccountMetaListPDA,anotherMint: crumbMint.publicKey,}).instruction();const transaction = new Transaction().add(initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction,);
After calling initializeExtraAccountMetaList
, you're all set to transfer
tokens with the transfer hook enabled mint.
Transfer tokens successfully:
To actually transfer tokens with the transfer hook
extension, you need to call
. This is a special helper
function provided by @solana/spl-token
that will gather and submit all of the
needed extra accounts needed to be specified in the ExtraAccountMetaList
const transferInstruction =await createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction(connection,sourceTokenAccount,mint.publicKey,destinationTokenAccount,wallet.publicKey,BigInt(1), // amount0, // Decimals[],"confirmed",TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,);
Under the hood, the createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction
will examine if the mint has a transfer hook, if it does it will get the extra
accounts and add them to the transfer instruction.
Take a look at the source code
/*** Construct an transferChecked instruction with extra accounts for transfer hook** @param connection Connection to use* @param source Source account* @param mint Mint to update* @param destination Destination account* @param owner Owner of the source account* @param amount The amount of tokens to transfer* @param decimals Number of decimals in transfer amount* @param multiSigners The signer account(s) for a multisig* @param commitment Commitment to use* @param programId SPL Token program account** @return Instruction to add to a transaction*/export async function createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction(connection: Connection,source: PublicKey,mint: PublicKey,destination: PublicKey,owner: PublicKey,amount: bigint,decimals: number,multiSigners: (Signer | PublicKey)[] = [],commitment?: Commitment,programId = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,) {const instruction = createTransferCheckedInstruction(source,mint,destination,owner,amount,decimals,multiSigners,programId,);const mintInfo = await getMint(connection, mint, commitment, programId);const transferHook = getTransferHook(mintInfo);if (transferHook) {await addExtraAccountMetasForExecute(connection,instruction,transferHook.programId,source,mint,destination,owner,amount,commitment,);}return instruction;}
Theoretical Example - Artist Royalties
Let's take what we know about the transfer hook
extension and conceptually try
to understand how we could implement artist royalties for NFTs. If you're not
familiar, an artist royalty is a fee paid on any sale of an NFT. Historically,
these were more suggestions than enforcements, since at any time, a user could
strike a private deal and exchange their NFT for payment on a platform or
program that did not enforce these royalties. That being said, we can get a
little closer with transfer hooks.
First Approach - Transfer SOL right from the owner
to the artist right in
the hook. Although this may sound like a good avenue to try, it won't work, for
two reasons. First, the hook would not know how much to pay the artist - this is
because the transfer hook does not take any arguments other than the needed
, mint
, destination
, owner
, extraAccountMetaList
, and all of the
accounts within the list. Secondly, we would be paying from the owner
to the
artist, which cannot be done since owner
is deescalated. It cannot sign and it
cannot be written to - this means we don't have the authority to update
's balance. Although we can't use this approach, it's a good way to
showcase the limitations of the transfer hook.
Second Approach - Create a data PDA owned by the extraAccountMetaList
tracks if the royalty has been paid. If it has, allow the transfer, if it has
not, deny it. This approach is multi step and would require an additional
function in the transfer hook program.
Say we have a new function called payRoyalty
in our transfer hook program.
This function would be required to:
- Create a data PDA owned by the
a. This account would hold information about the trade
Transfer the amount for the royalty from the
to the artist. -
Update the data PDA with the sale information
Then you'd transfer, and all the transfer hook should do is check the sales data on the PDA. It would allow or disallow the transfer from there.
Remember this the above is just a theoretical discussion and is in no way all-encompassing. For example, how would you enforce the prices of the NFTs? Or, what if the owner of the NFT wants to transfer it to a different wallet of theirs - should there be an approved list of "allowed" wallets? Or, should the artist be a signer involved in every sale/transfer? This system design makes for a great homework assignment!
In this lab we'll explore how transfer hooks work by creating a Cookie Crumb program. We'll have a Cookie NFT that has a transfer hook which will mint a Crumb SFT (NFT with a supply > 1) to the sender after each transfer - leaving a "crumb trail". A fun side effect is we'll able to tell how many times this NFT has been transferred just by looking at the crumb supply.
0. Setup
1. Verify Solana/Anchor/Rust Versions
We'll be interacting with the Token Extensions Program
in this lab and that
requires you to have the Solana CLI version ≥ 1.18.1.
To check your version run:
solana --version
If the version printed out after running solana --version
is less than
then you can update the CLI version manually. Note, at the time of
writing this, you cannot simply run the solana-install update
command. This
command will not update the CLI to the correct version for us, so we have to
explicitly download version 1.18.0
. You can do so with the following command:
solana-install init 1.18.1
If you run into this error at any point attempting to build the program, that likely means you do not have the correct version of the Solana CLI installed.
anchor builderror: package `solana-program v1.18.1` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.72.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.68.0-devRun:cargo update -p solana-program@1.18.0 --precise verwhere `ver` is the latest version of `solana-program` supporting rustc 1.68.0-dev
You will also want the latest version of the Anchor CLI installed. You can follow the steps to update Anchor via avm
or simply run
avm install latestavm use latest
At the time of writing, the latest version of the Anchor CLI is 0.30.1
Now, we should have all the correct versions installed.
2. Get starter code
Let's grab the starter branch.
git clone solana-lab-transfer-hooksgit checkout starter
3. Update Program ID and Anchor Keypair
Once in the starter branch, run
anchor keys sync
This syncs your program key with the one in the Anchor.toml
and the declared
program id in the programs/transfer-hook/src/
The last thing you have to do is set your keypair path in Anchor.toml
[provider]cluster = "Localnet"wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"
4. Confirm the program builds
Let's build the starter code to confirm we have everything configured correctly. If it does not build, please revisit the steps above.
anchor build
You can safely ignore the warnings of the build script, these will go away as we add in the necessary code. But at the end, you should see a message like this:
Finished release [optimized] target(s)
Feel free to run the provided tests to make sure the rest of the dev environment
is set up correctly. You'll have to install the node dependencies using npm
. The tests should run, but they'll all fail until we have completed our
yarn installanchor test
We will be filling these tests in later.
1. Write the transfer hook program
In this section we'll dive into writing the onchain transfer hook program using
anchor, all the code will go into the programs/transfer-hook/src/
Take a look inside
, you'll notice we have some starter code:
Three instructions
Two instruction account structs
. -
function initializes the additional accounts needed for the transfer hook. -
is the actual CPI called "after" the transfer has been made. -
is an anchor adapter function we have to fill out.
We're going to look at each in depth.
1. Initialize Extra Account Meta List instruction
The cookie transfer hook program needs some extra accounts to be able to mint
the crumbs within the transfer_hook
function, these are:
- The "crumb" mint account of the token to be minted by the transfer_hook instruction. -
- The associated token account of the crumb mint of the person sending the cookie. -
- For the crumb mint, this will be the account owned by the transfer hook program -
- this mint will be a regular SPL token mint. -
- needed to construct the ATA
We are going to store these accounts in the extra_account_meta_list
by invoking the instruction initialize_extra_account_meta_list
and passing the
required accounts to it.
First, we have to build the struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList
, then we can
write the instruction itself.
The Instruction requires the following accounts:
- The PDA that will hold the extra account. -
- The mint account of the crumb token. -
- The mint account of the cookie NFT. -
- The mint authority account of the crumb token. - This is a PDA seeded byb"mint-authority"
- The account that will pay for the creation of theextra_account_meta_list
account. -
- The token program account. -
- The system program account.
The code for the struct will go as follows:
#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList<'info> {#[account(mut)]payer: Signer<'info>,/// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account, must use these seeds#[account(mut,seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()],bump)]pub extra_account_meta_list: AccountInfo<'info>,pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,pub token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,#[account(mint::authority = mint_authority)]pub crumb_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,/// CHECK: mint authority Account for crumb mint#[account(seeds = [b"mint-authority"], bump)]pub mint_authority: UncheckedAccount<'info>,}
Note that we are not specifying the crumb_mint_ata
or the
. This is because the crumb_mint_ata
is variable and
will be driven by the other accounts in the extra_account_meta_list
, and
will be hardcoded.
Also, notice we are asking Anchor to drive the mint_authority
account from the
seed b"mint-authority"
. The resulting PDA allows the program itself to sign
for the mint.
Let's write the initialize_extra_account_meta_list
function, it will do the
List the accounts required for the transfer hook instruction inside a vector.
Calculate the size and rent required to store the list of
. -
Make a CPI to the System Program to create an account and set the Transfer Hook Program as the owner.
Initialize the account data to store the list of
here is the code for it:
pub fn initialize_extra_account_meta_list(ctx: Context<InitializeExtraAccountMetaList>) -> Result<()> {// index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)// index 4 is the extra_account_meta_list accountlet account_metas = vec![// index 5, Token programExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&token::ID, false, false)?,// index 6, Associated Token programExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&associated_token_id, false, false)?,// index 7, crumb mintExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.crumb_mint.key(), false, true)?, // is_writable true// index 8, mint authorityExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(&[Seed::Literal {bytes: "mint-authority".as_bytes().to_vec(),},],false, // is_signerfalse // is_writable)?,// index 9, crumb mint ATAExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(6, // associated token program index&[Seed::AccountKey { index: 3 }, // owner indexSeed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // token program indexSeed::AccountKey { index: 7 }, // crumb mint index],false, // is_signertrue // is_writable)?];// calculate account sizelet account_size = ExtraAccountMetaList::size_of(account_metas.len())? as u64;// calculate minimum required lamportslet lamports = Rent::get()?.minimum_balance(account_size as usize);let mint =;let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[b"extra-account-metas", &mint.as_ref(), &[ctx.bumps.extra_account_meta_list]]];// Create ExtraAccountMetaList accountcreate_account(CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), CreateAccount {from: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),to: ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.to_account_info(),}).with_signer(signer_seeds),lamports,account_size,ctx.program_id)?;// Initialize the account data to store the list of ExtraAccountMetasExtraAccountMetaList::init::<ExecuteInstruction>(&mut ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.try_borrow_mut_data()?,&account_metas)?;Ok(())}
Pay careful attention to the indexes for each account. Most notably, see that
index 9
is the index for the crumb_mint_ata
account. It constructs the ATA
using ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds
and pass in the seeds from
other accounts by their index. Specifically, the ATA belongs to whatever owner
calls the transfer. So when a cookie is sent, the crumb will be minted to the
2. Transfer Hook instruction
In this step, we'll implement the transfer_hook
instruction. This instruction
will be called by the Token Extensions Program when a token transfer occurs.
The transfer_hook
instruction will mint one crumb token each time a cookie
transfer occurs.
Again we'll have a struct TransferHook
that will hold the accounts required
for the instruction.
In our program the TransferHook
struct will have 10 accounts:
- The source token account from which the NFT is transferred. -
- The mint account of the Cookie NFT. -
- The destination token account to which the NFT is transferred. -
- The owner of the source token account. -
- The ExtraAccountMetaList account that stores the additional accounts required by the transfer_hook instruction -
- The token program account. -
- The associated token program account. -
- The mint account of the token to be minted by the transfer_hook instruction. -
- The mint authority account of the token to be minted by the transfer_hook instruction. -
- Theowner
's ATA of the crumb mint
Very Important Note: The order of accounts in this struct matters. This is the order in which the Token Extensions Program provides these accounts when it invokes this Transfer Hook program.
Here is the instruction struct:
// Order of accounts matters for this struct.// The first 4 accounts are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)// Remaining accounts are the extra accounts required from the ExtraAccountMetaList account// These accounts are provided via CPI to this program from the Token Extensions Program#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct TransferHook<'info> {#[account(token::mint = mint, token::authority = owner)]pub source_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,#[account(token::mint = mint)]pub destination_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,/// CHECK: source token account ownerpub owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,/// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account,#[account(seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()], bump)]pub extra_account_meta_list: UncheckedAccount<'info>,pub token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,pub crumb_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,/// CHECK: mint authority Account,#[account(seeds = [b"mint-authority"], bump)]pub mint_authority: UncheckedAccount<'info>,#[account(token::mint = crumb_mint,token::authority = owner,)]pub crumb_mint_ata: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,}
This instruction is fairly simple, it will only make one CPI to the Token
Program to mint a new crumb token for each transfer, all that we need to do is
to pass the right accounts to the mint_to
Since the mint_authority is a PDA of the transfer hook program itself, the
program can sign for it. Therefore we'll use new_with_signer
and pass
mint_authority seeds as the signer seeds.
pub fn transfer_hook(ctx: Context<TransferHook>, _amount: u64) -> Result<()> {let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[b"mint-authority", &[ctx.bumps.mint_authority]]];// mint a crumb token for each transactiontoken::mint_to(CpiContext::new_with_signer(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),token::MintTo {mint: ctx.accounts.crumb_mint.to_account_info(),to: ctx.accounts.crumb_mint_ata.to_account_info(),authority: ctx.accounts.mint_authority.to_account_info(),},signer_seeds),1).unwrap();Ok(())}
You may have noticed that we are using token::mint_to
instead of
, additionally in the extra_account_meta_list
saving the Token Program, not the Token Extensions Program. This is because the
crumb SFT has to be a Token Program mint, not a Token Extensions Program mint.
The reason why is interesting: when first writing this, we wanted to make both
the Cookie and Crumb tokens to be Token Extensions Program mints. However, when
we did this, we would get a very interesting error: No Reentrancy
. This
happens because the transfer hook is called as a CPI from within the Token
Extensions Program, and Solana does not allow
recursive CPIs into the same program.
To illustrate:
Token Extensions Program -CPI-> Transfer Hook Program -❌CPI❌-> Token Extensions ProgramToken Extensions Program -CPI-> Transfer Hook Program -✅CPI✅-> Token Program
So, that's why we're making the crumb SFT a Token Program mint.
3. Fallback instruction
The last instruction we have to fill out is the fallback
, this is necessary
because Anchor generates instruction discriminators differently from the ones
used in Transfer Hook interface instructions. The instruction discriminator for
the transfer_hook
instruction will not match the one for the Transfer Hook
Newer versions of Anchor should solve this for us, but for now, we can implement this simple workaround:
// fallback instruction handler as a workaround to anchor instruction discriminator checkpub fn fallback<'info>(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &'info [AccountInfo<'info>], data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {let instruction = TransferHookInstruction::unpack(data)?;// match instruction discriminator to transfer hook interface execute instruction// token2022 program CPIs this instruction on token transfermatch instruction {TransferHookInstruction::Execute { amount } => {let amount_bytes = amount.to_le_bytes();// invoke custom transfer hook instruction on our program__private::__global::transfer_hook(program_id, accounts, &amount_bytes)}_ => {return Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData.into());}}}
4. Build the program
Let's make sure our program builds and that tests are runnable before we continue actually writing tests for it.
anchor test
This command will build, deploy and run tests within the tests/
If you're seeing any errors try to go through the steps again and make sure you didn't miss anything.
2. Write the tests
Now we'll write some TS scripts to test our code. All of our tests will live
inside tests/anchor.ts
The outline of what will we do here is:
Understand the environment
Run the (empty) tests
Write the "Create Cookie NFT with Transfer Hook and Metadata" test
Write the "Create Crumb Mint" test
Write the "Initializes ExtraAccountMetaList Account" test
Write the "Transfer and Transfer Back" test
1. Understand the environment
When anchor projects are created, they come configured to create typescript
tests with mocha
and chai
. When you look at tests/anchor.ts
you'll see
everything already set up with the tests we'll create.
The following functionality is already provided to you:
Get the program IDL.
Get the wallet.
Get the connection.
Set up the environment
Airdrop some SOLs into the wallet if needed before running any of the tests.
4 empty tests that we'll talk about later
Let's get familiar with the accounts pre-setup for us:
: This is the wallet fromAnchor.toml
, it will be used to pay for everything -
: The Token Extensions Program mint we'll attach metadata and the transfer hook to -
: The Token Program mint we'll attach metadata to, this will be what's minted as a result of the transfer hook -
: Another wallet to send the cookie to/from -
: The ATA of the payer and the cookie mint -
: Where we will store all of the extra accounts for our hook -
: The authority to mint the crumb, owned by the Transfer Hook program
We've also provided two sets of hardcoded metadata for the Cookie NFT and the Crumb SFT.
2. Running the tests
Since the Crumb SFT is a Token Program mint, to attach metadata to it, we need to create a Metaplex metadata account. To do this, we need to include the Metaplex program. This has been provided for you.
If you take a look at Anchor.toml
you'll see that we load in the Metaplex bpf
at the genesis block. This gives our testing validator access to the account.
[test]startup_wait = 5000shutdown_wait = 2000upgradeable = false[[test.genesis]]address = "metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s"program = "tests/"
If you wish to run a separate local validator to look at the explorer links, you can. However, you need to start your local validator such that it loads in the Metaplex program at genesis.
In a separate terminal within the project directory run:
solana-test-validator --bpf-program metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s ./tests/
Then you can test with:
anchor test --skip-local-validator
3. Write the "Create Cookie NFT with Transfer Hook and Metadata" test
Our first test will create our Cookie NFT, which will have metadata and our transfer hook attached.
To accomplish all of this we will create several instructions:
: Saves space for the mint on the blockchain -
: Points to the mint itself since the metadata will be stored within the mint -
: Configures the transfer function to call our transfer hook program -
: Initializes the mint account -
: Adds the metadata to the mint -
: Creates the ATA for the mint to be minted to - owned by the payer -
: Mints one NFT to the ATA -
: Revokes the mint authority, making a true non-fungible token.
Send all of these instructions in a transaction to the blockchain up and you have Cookie NFT:
it("Creates a Cookie NFT with Transfer Hook and Metadata", async () => {// NFTs have 0 decimalsconst decimals = 0;const extensions = [ExtensionType.TransferHook,ExtensionType.MetadataPointer,];const mintLen = getMintLen(extensions);const metadataLen = TYPE_SIZE + LENGTH_SIZE + pack(cookieMetadata).length;const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(mintLen + metadataLen,);const transaction = new Transaction().add(SystemProgram.createAccount({fromPubkey: payerWallet.publicKey,newAccountPubkey: cookieMint.publicKey,space: mintLen,lamports: lamports,programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,}),createInitializeMetadataPointerInstruction(cookieMint.publicKey, //mintpayerWallet.publicKey, //authoritycookieMint.publicKey, //metadata addressTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),createInitializeTransferHookInstruction(cookieMint.publicKey, // mintpayerWallet.publicKey, // authorityprogram.programId, // Transfer Hook Program IDTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),createInitializeMintInstruction(cookieMint.publicKey, // mintdecimals, // decimalspayerWallet.publicKey, // mint authoritynull, // freeze authorityTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),createInitializeInstruction({programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,mint: cookieMint.publicKey,metadata: cookieMint.publicKey,name:,symbol: cookieMetadata.symbol,uri: cookieMetadata.uri,mintAuthority: payerWallet.publicKey,updateAuthority: payerWallet.publicKey,}),createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction(payerWallet.publicKey, // payersourceCookieAccount, // associated token accountpayerWallet.publicKey, // ownercookieMint.publicKey, // mintTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),createMintToInstruction(cookieMint.publicKey, // mintsourceCookieAccount, // destinationpayerWallet.publicKey, // authority1, // amount - NFTs there will only be one[], // multi signersTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),createSetAuthorityInstruction(// revoke mint authoritycookieMint.publicKey, // mintpayerWallet.publicKey, // current authorityAuthorityType.MintTokens, // authority typenull, // new authority[], // multi signersTOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,),);const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [payerWallet.payer,cookieMint,]);console.log(getExplorerLink("transaction", txSig, "localnet"));});
Feel free to run the first test to make sure everything is working:
anchor test
4. Write the "Create Crumb Mint" test
Now that we have our cookie NFT, we need our crumb SFTs. Creating the crumbs that will be minted on each transfer of our cookie will be our second test.
Remember our crumbs are a Token Program mint, and to attach metadata we need to use Metaplex.
First, we need to grab some Metaplex accounts and format our metadata.
To format our metadata, we need to satisfy Metaplex's DataV2
struct - for
this, we only need to append some additional fields to our crumbMetadata
The Metaplex accounts we will need are:
: The Metaplex program -
: The metadata account PDA derived from ourcrumbMint
Lastly, to create our crumb, we need the following instructions:
: Saves space for our mint -
: Initializes our mint -
: Creates the metadata account -
: This sets the mint authority to thecrumbMintAuthority
, which is the PDA our transfer hook program owns
Putting it all together we get the following:
it("Create Crumb Mint", async () => {// SFT Should have 0 decimalsconst decimals = 0;const size = MINT_SIZE;const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(size);const TOKEN_METADATA_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey("metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s",);const metadataData: DataV2 = {...crumbMetadata,sellerFeeBasisPoints: 0,creators: null,collection: null,uses: null,};const metadataPDAAndBump = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([Buffer.from("metadata"),TOKEN_METADATA_PROGRAM_ID.toBuffer(),crumbMint.publicKey.toBuffer(),],TOKEN_METADATA_PROGRAM_ID,);const metadataPDA = metadataPDAAndBump[0];const transaction = new Transaction().add(SystemProgram.createAccount({fromPubkey: payerWallet.publicKey,newAccountPubkey: crumbMint.publicKey,space: size,lamports: lamports,programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,}),createInitializeMintInstruction(crumbMint.publicKey, // mintdecimals, // decimalspayerWallet.publicKey, // mint authoritynull, // freeze authorityTOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,),createCreateMetadataAccountV3Instruction({metadata: metadataPDA,mint:,mintAuthority: payerWallet.publicKey,payer: payerWallet.publicKey,updateAuthority: payerWallet.publicKey,},{createMetadataAccountArgsV3: {collectionDetails: null,data: metadataData,isMutable: true,},},),createSetAuthorityInstruction(// set authority to transfer hook PDAcrumbMint.publicKey, // mintpayerWallet.publicKey, // current authorityAuthorityType.MintTokens, // authority typecrumbMintAuthority, // new authority[], // multi signersTOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,),);const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(provider.connection,transaction,[payerWallet.payer, crumbMint],{ skipPreflight: true },);console.log(getExplorerLink("transaction", txSig, "localnet"));});
5. Write the "Initializes ExtraAccountMetaList Account" test
Our next test is the last step of setup before we can start transferring our
cookie and seeing the transfer hook work. We need to create the
We only need to execute one instruction this time:
. This is the function that we've implemented.
Remember it takes the following additional accounts:
: The cookie mint -
: The PDA that holds the extra accounts -
: The crumb mint
// Account to store extra accounts required by the transfer hook instructionit("Initializes ExtraAccountMetaList Account", async () => {const initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction = await program.methods.initializeExtraAccountMetaList().accounts({mint: cookieMint.publicKey,extraAccountMetaList: extraAccountMetaListPDA,crumbMint: crumbMint.publicKey,}).instruction();const transaction = new Transaction().add(initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction,);const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(provider.connection,transaction,[payerWallet.payer],{skipPreflight: true,commitment: "confirmed",},);console.log(getExplorerLink("transaction", txSig, "localnet"));});
6. Write the "Transfer and Transfer Back" test
Our last test is to transfer our cookie back and forth and see that our crumbs
have been minted to both payerWallet
and recipient
But before we transfer, we have to create the ATAs to hold the cookie and crumb
tokens for both the payerWallet
and recipient
. We can do this by calling
. And we only need to do this to get the
following: destinationCookieAccount
, sourceCrumbAccount
because sourceCookieAccount
was created when we minted the NFT.
To transfer, we call createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction
. This
takes the following:
: Connection to use -
: Source token account -
: Mint to transfer -
: Destination token account -
: Owner of the source token account -
: Amount to transfer -
: Decimals of the mint -
: The signer account(s) for a multisig -
: Commitment to use -
: SPL Token program account
We will call this twice, to and from the recipient
You may notice that this does not take any of the additional accounts we need
for the transfer hook like the crumbMint
for example. This is because this
function fetches the extraAccountMeta
for us and automatically includes all of
the accounts needed! That being said, it is asynchronous, so we will have to
Lastly, after the transfers, we'll grab the crumb mint and assert the total
supply is two, and that both the sourceCrumbAccount
and the
have some crumbs.
Putting this all together we get our final test:
it("Transfer and Transfer Back", async () => {const amount = BigInt(1);const decimals = 0;// Create all of the needed ATAsconst destinationCookieAccount = (await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(connection,payerWallet.payer,cookieMint.publicKey,recipient.publicKey,false,undefined,{ commitment: "confirmed" },TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,)).address;const sourceCrumbAccount = (await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(connection,payerWallet.payer,crumbMint.publicKey,payerWallet.publicKey,false,undefined,{ commitment: "confirmed" },TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,)).address;const destinationCrumbAccount = (await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(connection,payerWallet.payer,crumbMint.publicKey,recipient.publicKey,false,undefined,{ commitment: "confirmed" },TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,)).address;// Standard token transfer instructionconst transferInstruction =await createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction(connection,sourceCookieAccount,cookieMint.publicKey,destinationCookieAccount,payerWallet.publicKey,amount,decimals, // Decimals[],"confirmed",TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,);const transferBackInstruction =await createTransferCheckedWithTransferHookInstruction(connection,destinationCookieAccount,cookieMint.publicKey,sourceCookieAccount,recipient.publicKey,amount,decimals, // Decimals[],"confirmed",TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,);const transaction = new Transaction().add(transferInstruction,transferBackInstruction,);const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection,transaction,[payerWallet.payer, recipient],{skipPreflight: true,},);console.log(getExplorerLink("transaction", txSig, "localnet"));const mintInfo = await getMint(connection,crumbMint.publicKey,"processed",TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,);const sourceCrumbAccountInfo = await getAccount(connection,sourceCrumbAccount,"processed",TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,);const destinationCrumbAccountInfo = await getAccount(connection,destinationCrumbAccount,"processed",TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,);expect(Number(;expect(Number(sourceCrumbAccountInfo.amount)).to.equal(1);expect(Number(destinationCrumbAccountInfo.amount)).to.equal(1);console.log("\nCrumb Count:", Number(;console.log("Source Crumb Amount:", Number(sourceCrumbAccountInfo.amount));console.log("Destination Crumb Amount\n",Number(destinationCrumbAccountInfo.amount),);});
Go ahead and run all of the tests:
anchor test
They should all be passing!
If you want to take a look at any of the Explorer links do the following:
In a separate terminal within the project directory run:
solana-test-validator --bpf-program metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s ./tests/
Then you can test with:
anchor test --skip-local-validator
Thats it! You've created a mint with a transfer hook!
Amend the transfer hook such that anyone who has a crumb cannot get their cookie back.