Program Configuration

Summary #

  • There are no "out of the box" solutions for creating distinct environments in an onchain program, but you can achieve something similar to environment variables if you get creative.
  • You can use the cfg attribute with Rust features (#[cfg(feature = ...)]) to run different code or provide different variable values based on the Rust feature provided. This happens at compile-time and doesn't allow you to swap values after a program has been deployed.
  • Similarly, you can use the cfg! macro to compile different code paths based on the enabled features.
  • For environment-like variables post-deployment, create program accounts and admin-only instructions accessible by the program's upgrade authority.

Lesson #

One of the difficulties engineers face across all types of software development is that of writing testable code and creating distinct environments for local development, testing, production, etc.

This is especially difficult in Solana program development. For instance, imagine building an NFT staking program where each staked NFT earns 10 reward tokens daily. How can you test the ability to claim rewards when tests run in just a few hundred milliseconds—not nearly long enough to accrue rewards?

In traditional web development, this is often addressed through environment variables, allowing different values in distinct "environments." However, Solana programs currently lack a formal concept of environment variables. If they existed, you could easily modify the rewards in your test environment to something like 10,000,000 tokens per day, making it easier to test claiming rewards.

Luckily, you can mimic this functionality with a bit of creativity. The most effective solution involves a combination of two techniques:

  1. Native Rust feature flags that let you specify the "environment" during your build, allowing the code to adjust values based on the specified build.
  2. Admin-only program accounts and instructions that are only accessible by the program's upgrade authority for setting and managing configuration values post-deployment.

Native Rust Feature Flags #

One of the simplest ways to create environments is to use Rust features. Features are defined in the [features] table of the program's Cargo.toml file. You may define multiple features for different use cases.

feature-one = []
feature-two = []

It's important to note that the above simply defines a feature. To enable a feature when testing your program, you can use the --features flag with the anchor test command.

anchor test -- --features "feature-one"

You can also specify multiple features by separating them with a comma.

anchor test -- --features "feature-one", "feature-two"

Make Code Conditional Using the cfg Attribute #

With a feature defined, you can then use the cfg attribute within your code to conditionally compile code based on whether or not a given feature is enabled. This allows you to include or exclude certain code from your program.

The syntax for using the cfg attribute is like any other attribute macro: #[cfg(feature=[FEATURE_HERE])]. For example, the following code compiles the function function_for_testing when the testing feature is enabled and the function_when_not_testing otherwise:

#[cfg(feature = "testing")]
fn function_for_testing() {
    // code that will be included only if the "testing" feature flag is enabled
#[cfg(not(feature = "testing"))]
fn function_when_not_testing() {
    // code that will be included only if the "testing" feature flag is not enabled

This allows you to enable or disable certain functionality in your Anchor program at compile time by enabling or disabling the feature.

It's not a stretch to imagine wanting to use this to create distinct "environments" for different program deployments. For example, not all tokens have deployments across both Mainnet and Devnet. So you might hard-code one token address for Mainnet deployments but hard-code a different address for Devnet and Localnet deployments. That way you can quickly switch between different environments without requiring any changes to the code itself.

The code below shows an example of an Anchor program that uses the cfg attribute to include different token addresses for local testing compared to other deployments:

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::{Mint, Token, TokenAccount};
#[cfg(feature = "local-testing")]
pub mod constants {
    use solana_program::{pubkey, pubkey::Pubkey};
    pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("WaoKNLQVDyBx388CfjaVeyNbs3MT2mPgAhoCfXyUvg8");
#[cfg(not(feature = "local-testing"))]
pub mod constants {
    use solana_program::{pubkey, pubkey::Pubkey};
    pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v");
pub mod test_program {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize_usdc_token_account(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct Initialize<'info> {
        payer = payer,
        token::mint = mint,
        token::authority = payer,
    pub token: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    #[account(address = constants::USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
    pub payer: Signer<'info>,
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,

In this example, the cfg attribute is used to conditionally compile two different implementations of the constants module. This allows the program to use different values for the USDC_MINT_PUBKEY constant depending on whether or not the local-testing feature is enabled.

Make Code Conditional using the cfg! Macro #

Similar to the cfg attribute, the cfg! macro in Rust allows you to check the values of certain configuration flags at runtime. This can be useful if you want to execute different code paths depending on the values of certain configuration flags.

You could use this to bypass or adjust the time-based constraints required in the NFT staking app we mentioned previously. When running a test, you can execute code that provides far higher staking rewards when compared to running a production build.

To use the cfg! macro in an Anchor program, you simply add a cfg! macro call to the conditional statement in question:

pub mod my_program {
    use super::*;
    pub fn test_function(ctx: Context<Test>) -> Result<()> {
        if cfg!(feature = "local-testing") {
            // This code will be executed only if the "local-testing" feature is enabled
            // ...
        } else {
            // This code will be executed only if the "local-testing" feature is not enabled
            // ...
        // Code that should always be included goes here

In this example, the test_function uses the cfg! macro to check the value of the local-testing feature at runtime. If the local-testing feature is enabled, the first code path is executed. If the local-testing feature is not enabled, the second code path is executed instead.

Admin-only Instructions #

Feature flags are great for adjusting values and code paths at compilation, but they don't help much if you end up needing to adjust something after you've already deployed your program.

For example, if your NFT staking program has to pivot and use a different rewards token, there'd be no way to update the program without redeploying. If only there were a way for program admins to update certain program values... Well, it's possible!

First, you need to structure your program to store the values you anticipate changing in an account rather than hard-coding them into the program code.

Next, you need to ensure that this account can only be updated by some known program authority, or what we're calling an admin. That means any instructions that modify the data on this account need to have constraints limiting who can sign for the instruction. This sounds fairly straightforward in theory, but there is one main issue: how does the program know who is an authorized admin?

Well, there are a few solutions, each with their own benefits and drawbacks:

  1. Hard-code an admin public key that can be used in the admin-only instruction constraints.
  2. Make the program's upgrade authority the admin.
  3. Store the admin in the config account and set the first admin in an initialize instruction.

Create the config account #

The first step is adding what we'll call a "config" account to your program. You can customize this to best suit your needs, but we suggest a single global PDA. In Anchor, that simply means creating an account struct and using a single seed to derive the account's address.

pub const SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG: &[u8] = b"program_config";
pub struct ProgramConfig {
    reward_token: Pubkey,
    rewards_per_day: u64,

The example above shows a hypothetical config account for the NFT staking program example we've referenced throughout the lesson. It stores data representing the token that should be used for rewards and the amount of tokens to give out for each day of staking.

With the config account defined, simply ensure that the rest of your code references this account when using these values. That way, if the data in the account changes, the program adapts accordingly.

Constrain config updates to hard-coded admins #

You'll need a way to initialize and update the config account data. That means you need to have one or more instructions that only an admin can invoke. The simplest way to do this is to hard-code an admin's public key in your code and then add a simple signer check into your instruction's account validation comparing the signer to this public key.

In Anchor, constraining an update_program_config instruction handler to only be usable by a hard-coded admin might look like this:

mod my_program {
    pub fn update_program_config(
        ctx: Context<UpdateProgramConfig>,
        reward_token: Pubkey,
        rewards_per_day: u64
    ) -> Result<()> {
        ctx.accounts.program_config.reward_token = reward_token;
        ctx.accounts.program_config.rewards_per_day = rewards_per_day;
pub const SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG: &[u8] = b"program_config";
pub const ADMIN_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("ADMIN_WALLET_ADDRESS_HERE");
pub struct UpdateProgramConfig<'info> {
    #[account(mut, seeds = SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG, bump)]
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(constraint = authority.key() == ADMIN_PUBKEY)]
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

Before instruction handler logic even executes, a check will be performed to make sure the instruction's signer matches the hard-coded ADMIN_PUBKEY. Notice that the example above doesn't show the instruction handler that initializes the config account, but it should have similar constraints to ensure that an attacker can't initialize the account with unexpected values.

While this approach works, it also means keeping track of an admin wallet on top of keeping track of a program's upgrade authority. With a few more lines of code, you could simply restrict an instruction to only be callable by the upgrade authority. The only tricky part is getting a program's upgrade authority to compare against.

Constrain config updates to the program's upgrade authority #

Fortunately, every program has a program data account that translates to the Anchor ProgramData account type and has the upgrade_authority_address field. The program itself stores this account's address in its data in the field programdata_address.

So in addition to the two accounts required by the instruction in the hard-coded admin example, this instruction requires the program and the program_data accounts.

The accounts then need the following constraints:

  1. A constraint on program ensuring that the provided program_data account matches the program's programdata_address field
  2. A constraint on the program_data account ensuring that the instruction's signer matches the program_data account's upgrade_authority_address field.

When completed, that looks like this:

pub struct UpdateProgramConfig<'info> {
    #[account(mut, seeds = SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG, bump)]
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(constraint = program.programdata_address()? == Some(program_data.key()))]
    pub program: Program<'info, MyProgram>,
    #[account(constraint = program_data.upgrade_authority_address == Some(authority.key()))]
    pub program_data: Account<'info, ProgramData>,
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

Again, the example above doesn't show the instruction that initializes the config account, but it should have the same constraints to ensure that the attacker can't initialize the account with unexpected values.

If this is the first time you've heard about the program data account, it's worth reading through this Notion doc about program deploys.

Constrain config updates to a provided admin #

Both of the previous options are fairly secure but also inflexible. What if you want to update the admin to be someone else? For that, you can store the admin on the config account.

pub const SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG: &[u8] = b"program_config";
pub struct ProgramConfig {
    admin: Pubkey,
    reward_token: Pubkey,
    rewards_per_day: u64,

Then you can constrain your "update" instructions with a signer check matching against the config account's admin field.

pub const SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG: &[u8] = b"program_config";
pub struct UpdateProgramConfig<'info> {
    #[account(mut, seeds = SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG, bump)]
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(constraint = authority.key() == program_config.admin)]
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

There's one catch here: in the time between deploying a program and initializing the config account, there is no admin. This means that the instruction for initializing the config account can't be constrained to only allow admins as callers. That means it could be called by an attacker looking to set themselves as the admin.

While this sounds bad, it really just means that you shouldn't treat your program as "initialized" until you've initialized the config account yourself and verified that the admin listed on the account is who you expect. If your deploy script deploys and then immediately calls initialize, it's very unlikely that an attacker is even aware of your program's existence much less trying to make themselves the admin. If by some crazy stroke of bad luck someone "intercepts" your program, you can close the program with the upgrade authority and redeploy.

Lab #

Now let's go ahead and try this out together. For this lab, we'll be working with a simple program that enables USDC payments. The program collects a small fee for facilitating the transfer. Note that this is somewhat contrived since you can do direct transfers without an intermediary contract, but it simulates how some complex DeFi programs work.

We'll quickly learn while testing our program that it could benefit from the flexibility provided by an admin-controlled configuration account and some feature flags.

1. Starter #

Download the starter code from the starter branch of this repository. The code contains a program with a single instruction handler and a single test in the tests directory.

Let's quickly walk through how the program works.

The file includes a constant for the USDC address and a single payment instruction. The payment instruction simply calls the payment_handler instruction handler in the instructions/ file where the instruction handler logic is contained.

The instructions/ file contains both the payment_handler function as well as the Payment account validation struct representing the accounts required by the payment instruction. The payment_handler instruction handler calculates a 1% fee from the payment amount, transfers the fee to a designated token account, and transfers the remaining amount to the payment recipient.

Finally, the tests directory has a single test file, config.ts that simply invokes the payment instruction and asserts that the corresponding token account balances have been debited and credited accordingly.

Before we continue, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these files and their contents.

2. Run the existing test #

Let's start by running the existing test.

Make sure you use yarn or npm install to install the dependencies laid out in the package.json file. Then be sure to run anchor keys list to get the public key for your program printed to the console. This differs based on the keypair you have locally, so you need to update and Anchor.toml to use your key.

Finally, run anchor test to start the test. It should fail with the following output:

Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: incorrect program id for instruction

The reason for this error is that we're attempting to use the mainnet USDC mint address (as hard-coded in the file of the program), but that mint doesn't exist in the local environment.

3. Adding a local-testing feature #

To fix this, we need a mint we can use locally and hard-code into the program. Since the local environment is reset often during testing, you'll need to store a keypair that you can use to recreate the same mint address every time.

Additionally, you don't want to have to change the hard-coded address between local and mainnet builds since that could introduce human error (and is just annoying). So we'll create a local-testing feature that, when enabled, will make the program use our local mint but otherwise use the production USDC mint.

Generate a new keypair by running solana-keygen grind. Run the following command to generate a keypair with a public key that begins with "env".

solana-keygen grind --starts-with env:1

Once a keypair is found, you should see an output similar to the following:

Wrote keypair to env9Y3szLdqMLU9rXpEGPqkjdvVn8YNHtxYNvCKXmHe.json

Make sure to add the generated keypair file (env9Y3szLdqMLU9rXpEGPqkjdvVn8YNHtxYNvCKXmHe.json) to your .gitignore file to prevent accidentally committing and leaking your keypair to GitHub or other version control platforms. If you plan to use the keypair later, securing it properly is critical.

The keypair is written to a file in your working directory. Now that we have a placeholder USDC address, let's modify the file. Use the cfg attribute to define the USDC_MINT_PUBKEY constant depending on whether the local-testing feature is enabled or disabled. Remember to set the USDC_MINT_PUBKEY constant for local-testing with the one generated in the previous step rather than copying the one below.

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
mod instructions;
use instructions::*;
#[cfg(feature = "local-testing")]
pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("...");
#[cfg(not(feature = "local-testing"))]
pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v");
pub mod config {
    use super::*;
    pub fn payment(ctx: Context<Payment>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
        instructions::payment_handler(ctx, amount)

Next, add the local-testing feature to the Cargo.toml file located in /programs.

local-testing = []

Next, update the config.ts test file to create a mint using the generated keypair. Start by deleting the mint constant.

const USDC_MINT = new PublicKey("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v");

The anchor test command, when run on a local network, starts a new test validator using solana-test-validator. This test validator uses a non-upgradeable loader. The non-upgradeable loader makes it so the program's program_data account isn't initialized when the validator starts. You'll recall from the lesson that this account is how we access the upgrade authority from the program.

To work around this, you can add a deploy function to the test file that runs the deploy command for the program with an upgradeable loader. To use it, run anchor test --skip-deploy, and call the deploy function within the test to run the deploy command after the test validator has started.

import { execSync } from "child_process";
import path from "path";
const deploy = () => {
  const workingDirectory = process.cwd();
  const programKeypairPath = path.join(
  const programBinaryPath = path.join(
  const deploy_command = `solana program deploy --url localhost -v --program-id "${programKeypairPath}" "${programBinaryPath}"`;
  try {
    execSync(deploy_command, { stdio: "inherit" });
    console.log("Program deployed successfully");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error deploying program:", error.message);
    throw error;
before(async () => {

For example, the command to run the test with features would look like this:

anchor test --skip-deploy -- --features "local-testing"

Next, update the test to create a mint using the keypair, which will enable us to reuse the same mint address each time the tests are run. Remember to replace the file name with the one generated in the previous step.

let tokenMint: PublicKey;
const deploy = () => {
  const workingDirectory = process.cwd();
  const programKeypairPath = path.join(
  const programBinaryPath = path.join(
  const deploy_command = `solana program deploy --url localhost -v --program-id "${programKeypairPath}" "${programBinaryPath}"`;
  try {
    execSync(deploy_command, { stdio: "inherit" });
    console.log("Program deployed successfully");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error deploying program:", error.message);
    throw error;
before(async () => {
  try {
      const mintKeypairData = fs.readFileSync(
      const mintKeypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(
        new Uint8Array(JSON.parse(mintKeypairData))
      tokenMint = await createMint(

Lastly, run the test with the local-testing feature enabled.

anchor test --skip-deploy -- --features "local-testing"

You should see the following output:

 completes payment successfully (432ms)
  1 passing (21s)

Boom. Just like that, you've used features to run two different code paths for different environments.

4. Program Config #

Features are great for setting different values at compilation, but what if you wanted to be able to dynamically update the fee percentage used by the program? Let's make that possible by creating a Program Config account that allows us to update the fee without upgrading the program.

To begin, let's first update the file to:

  1. Include a SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG constant, which will be used to generate the PDA for the program config account.
  2. Include an ADMIN constant, which will be used as a constraint when initializing the program config account. Run the solana address command to get your address to use as the constant's value.
  3. Include a state module that we'll implement shortly.
  4. Include the initialize_program_config and update_program_config instructions and calls to their "handlers," both of which we'll implement in another step.
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
mod instructions;
use instructions::*;
mod state;
#[cfg(not(feature = "local-testing"))]
pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v");
#[cfg(feature = "local-testing")]
pub const USDC_MINT_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("envYcAnc9BvWEqDy4VKJsiECCbbc72Fynz87rBih6DV");
pub const SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG: &[u8] = b"program_config";
pub const ADMIN: Pubkey = pubkey!("GprrWv9r8BMxQiWea9MrbCyK7ig7Mj8CcseEbJhDDZXM");
pub mod config {
    use super::*;
    pub fn payment(ctx: Context<Payment>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
        instructions::payment_handler(ctx, amount)
    pub fn initialize_program_config(ctx: Context<InitializeProgramConfig>) -> Result<()> {
    pub fn update_program_config(ctx: Context<UpdateProgramConfig>, new_fee: u64) -> Result<()> {
        instructions::update_program_config_handler(ctx, new_fee)

5. Program Config State #

Next, let's define the structure for the ProgramConfig state. This account will store the admin, the token account where fees are sent, and the fee rate. We'll also specify the number of bytes required to store this structure.

Create a new file called in the /src directory and add the following code.

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
pub struct ProgramConfig {
    pub admin: Pubkey,
    pub fee_destination: Pubkey,
    pub fee_basis_points: u64,

6. Add Initialize Program Config Account Instruction #

Now let's create the instruction logic for initializing the program config account. It should only be callable by a transaction signed by the ADMIN key and should set all the properties on the ProgramConfig account.

Create a folder called program_config at the path /src/instructions/program_config. This folder will store all instructions related to the program config account.

Within the program_config folder, create a file called and add the following code.

use crate::state::ProgramConfig;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount;
pub const DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE: usize = 8;
pub struct InitializeProgramConfig<'info> {
        seeds = [SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG],
        payer = authority,
        space = DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE + ProgramConfig::INIT_SPACE
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(token::mint = USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub fee_destination: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    #[account(mut, address = ADMIN)]
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
pub fn initialize_program_config_handler(ctx: Context<InitializeProgramConfig>) -> Result<()> {
    ctx.accounts.program_config.set_inner(ProgramConfig {
        admin: ctx.accounts.authority.key(),
        fee_destination: ctx.accounts.fee_destination.key(),
        fee_basis_points: 100,

7. Add Update Program Config Fee Instruction #

Next, implement the instruction logic for updating the config account. The instruction should require that the signer match the admin stored in the program_config account.

Within the program_config folder, create a file called and add the following code.

use crate::state::ProgramConfig;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount;
pub struct UpdateProgramConfig<'info> {
    #[account(mut, seeds = [SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG], bump)]
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(token::mint = USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub fee_destination: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    #[account(mut, address = program_config.admin)]
    pub admin: Signer<'info>,
    /// CHECK: arbitrarily assigned by existing admin
    pub new_admin: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
pub fn update_program_config_handler(
    ctx: Context<UpdateProgramConfig>,
    new_fee: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
    ctx.accounts.program_config.admin = ctx.accounts.new_admin.key();
    ctx.accounts.program_config.fee_destination = ctx.accounts.fee_destination.key();
    ctx.accounts.program_config.fee_basis_points = new_fee;

8. Add and update #

Next, let's expose the instruction handlers we created so that the call from doesn't show an error. Start by adding a file in the program_config folder. Add the code below to make the two modules, initialize_program_config and update_program_config accessible.

mod initialize_program_config;
pub use initialize_program_config::*;
mod update_program_config;
pub use update_program_config::*;

Now, update at the path /src/ Add the code below to make the two modules, program_config and payment accessible.

mod program_config;
pub use program_config::*;
mod payment;
pub use payment::*;

9. Update Payment Instruction #

Lastly, let's update the payment instruction to check that the fee_destination account in the instruction matches the fee_destination stored in the program config account. Then update the instruction's fee calculation to be based on the fee_basis_point stored in the program config account.

use crate::state::ProgramConfig;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::{self, Token, TokenAccount};
pub struct Payment<'info> {
        seeds = [SEED_PROGRAM_CONFIG],
        has_one = fee_destination
    pub program_config: Account<'info, ProgramConfig>,
    #[account(mut, token::mint = USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub fee_destination: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    #[account(mut, token::mint = USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub sender_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    #[account(mut, token::mint = USDC_MINT_PUBKEY)]
    pub receiver_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
    pub sender: Signer<'info>,
pub fn payment_handler(ctx: Context<Payment>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
    let fee_amount = amount
    let remaining_amount = amount.checked_sub(fee_amount).ok_or(ProgramError::ArithmeticOverflow)?;
    msg!("Amount: {}", amount);
    msg!("Fee Amount: {}", fee_amount);
    msg!("Remaining Transfer Amount: {}", remaining_amount);
            token::Transfer {
                from: ctx.accounts.sender_token_account.to_account_info(),
                authority: ctx.accounts.sender.to_account_info(),
                to: ctx.accounts.fee_destination.to_account_info(),
            token::Transfer {
                from: ctx.accounts.sender_token_account.to_account_info(),
                authority: ctx.accounts.sender.to_account_info(),
                to: ctx.accounts.receiver_token_account.to_account_info(),

10. Test #

Now that we're done implementing our new program configuration struct and instructions, let's move on to testing our updated program. To begin, add the PDA for the program config account to the test file.

describe("Config", () => {
  const programConfig = findProgramAddressSync(

Next, update the test file with three more tests testing that:

  1. The program config account is initialized correctly
  2. The payment instruction is functioning as intended
  3. The config account can be updated successfully by the admin
  4. The config account cannot be updated by someone other than the admin

The first test initializes the program config account and verifies that the correct fee is set and that the correct admin is stored on the program config account.

it("initializes program config account", async () => {
  try {
    await program.methods
        programConfig: programConfig,
        feeDestination: feeDestination,
        authority: walletAuthority.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
    const configAccount =
      await program.account.programConfig.fetch(programConfig);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Program config initialization failed:", error);
    throw error;

The second test verifies that the payment instruction is working correctly, with the fee being sent to the fee destination and the remaining balance being transferred to the receiver. Here we update the existing test to include the programConfig account.

it("completes payment successfully", async () => {
  try {
    const transaction = await program.methods
      .payment(new anchor.BN(PAYMENT_AMOUNT))
        programConfig: programConfig,
        feeDestination: feeDestination,
        senderTokenAccount: senderTokenAccount,
        receiverTokenAccount: receiverTokenAccount,
        sender: sender.publicKey,
    await anchor.web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [
    const senderBalance = await getAccount(connection, senderTokenAccount);
    const feeDestinationBalance = await getAccount(connection, feeDestination);
    const receiverBalance = await getAccount(connection, receiverTokenAccount);
      (PAYMENT_AMOUNT * (10000 - INITIAL_FEE_BASIS_POINTS)) / 10000,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Payment failed:", error);
    throw error;

The third test attempts to update the fee on the program config account, which should be successful.

it("updates program config account", async () => {
  try {
    await program.methods
      .updateProgramConfig(new anchor.BN(UPDATED_FEE_BASIS_POINTS))
        programConfig: programConfig,
        admin: walletAuthority.publicKey,
        feeDestination: feeDestination,
        newAdmin: walletAuthority.publicKey,
    const configAccount =
      await program.account.programConfig.fetch(programConfig);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Program config update failed:", error);
    throw error;

The fourth test tries to update the fee on the program config account, where the admin is not the one stored on the program config account, and this should fail.

it("fails to update program config account with unauthorized admin", async () => {
  try {
    const transaction = await program.methods
      .updateProgramConfig(new anchor.BN(300))
        programConfig: programConfig,
        admin: sender.publicKey,
        feeDestination: feeDestination,
        newAdmin: sender.publicKey,
    await anchor.web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [
    throw new Error("Expected transaction to fail, but it succeeded");
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Transaction failed as expected:", error.message);

Finally, run the test using the following command:

anchor test --skip-deploy -- --features "local-testing"

You should see the following output:

 initializes program config account (430ms)
 completes payment successfully (438ms)
 updates program config account (416ms)
Transaction failed as expected: Simulation failed.
Message: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x7dc.
  "Program FF3eGbZnharYruJNwRV7jqnDYvpLkyvgbSv5gsGbJHps invoke [1]",
  "Program log: Instruction: UpdateProgramConfig",
  "Program log: AnchorError caused by account: admin. Error Code: ConstraintAddress. Error Number: 2012. Error Message: An address constraint was violated.",
  "Program log: Left:",
  "Program log: F32dEMPn4BtQjHBgXXwfuEMo5qBQJySs8cCDrtwWQdBr",
  "Program log: Right:",
  "Program log: GprrWv9r8BMxQiWea9MrbCyK7ig7Mj8CcseEbJhDDZXM",
  "Program FF3eGbZnharYruJNwRV7jqnDYvpLkyvgbSv5gsGbJHps consumed 7868 of 200000 compute units",
  "Program FF3eGbZnharYruJNwRV7jqnDYvpLkyvgbSv5gsGbJHps failed: custom program error: 0x7dc"
Catch the `SendTransactionError` and call `getLogs()` on it for full details.
 fails to update program config account with unauthorized admin
  4 passing (22s)

And that's it! You've made the program a lot easier to work with moving forward. If you want to take a look at the final solution code you can find it on the solution branch of the same.

Challenge #

Now it's time for you to do some of this on your own. We mentioned being able to use the program's upgrade authority as the initial admin. Go ahead and update the lab's initialize_program_config so that only the upgrade authority can call it rather than having a hardcoded ADMIN.

Try doing this on your own, but if you get stuck, feel free to reference the challenge branch of the same repository to see one possible solution.

Completed the lab?

Push your code to GitHub and tell us what you thought of this lesson!