This guide is meant to be a reference for developers who want to implement verified builds for their programs on Solana. We will cover what verified builds are, how to use them, special considerations, and best practices to ensure the authenticity of your program onchain.
What are verified builds?
Verified builds ensure that the executable program you deploy to Solana’s network matches the source code in your repository. By doing this, developers and users can have confidence that the program running onchain corresponds exactly to the public codebase, promoting transparency and security.
The verification process involves comparing the hash of the onchain program with the hash of the locally built program from the source code. This ensures no discrepancies between the two versions.
While a verified build should not be considered more secure than an unverified build, the build enables developers to self verify the source code matches what is deployed onchain. Using the source code, a developer can then validate what the code executes when sending a transaction.
The verified builds pipeline was thought out and is maintained by Ellipsis Labs and OtterSec. For more details, follow the guide in the original verified builds repository as well and the verify build process directly into the Anza tool suite, once supported there.
How does it work?
The verification process is done by comparing the hash of the onchain program with the hash of the locally built program from the source code. You build your program in a controlled environment using the Solana Verify CLI and Docker. This ensures that the build process is deterministic and consistent across different systems. Once you have the executable, you can deploy it to the Solana network. During the build process a PDA of the verify program will be created. This PDA contains all the data necessary to verify the program. The PDA contains the program address, git url, commit hash and the arguments used to build the program.
Using the data in the PDA everyone can run the verify program command locally and check if the program was built from the provided source code. Then everyone can verify for themselves completely trustlessly or can run their own verify API maintained by OtterSec to provide an easy access point for users to check the verification. You can already see these API calls being used in the Solana Explorer and SolanaFM, among other places.
Why should I use verified builds?
Using verified builds provides the following benefits:
Security: Guarantee that the program running onchain matches the source code, preventing malicious alterations.
Transparency: Allows other users and developers to validate that the onchain program is trustworthy by comparing it with the public codebase.
Trust: Increase user confidence, as verified builds demonstrate that your program's onchain behavior is aligned with your public code. When building verifiable programs, you minimize risks associated with running unauthorized or malicious code. It also ensures you comply with best practices and give security researchers an easy way to contact you. Also wallets and other tools can allow transactions from your program more easily as long as it is verified.
Discoverability: When you provide a verified build of you program everyone can find your source code, docs, program SDK or IDL and they can also easily contact you via github in case there is an issue.
How do I create verified builds?
To create verified builds, you'll need to follow these steps:
- Commit your code to a public repository
- Build a verified build in docker
- Deploy the verified build
- Verify the deployed program against public API
If you verify your program which is not build in a docker container it will most likely fail because Solana program builds are not deterministic across different systems.
Install Docker and Cargo
Install the necessary tools ensure you have Docker and Cargo installed. Docker provides a controlled build environment to ensure consistency, and Cargo is used for managing Rust packages.
- Docker: Follow the steps on the Docker website to install Docker for your platform. Once installed, ensure the Docker service is running following this guide further.
- Cargo: If you don’t already have Cargo installed, you can install it by running the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install the Solana Verify CLI
The Solana Verify CLI is the primary tool used to verify builds. Solana Verify CLI is currently maintained by Ellipsis Labs and can be installed using Cargo.
You can install it by running:
cargo install solana-verify
If you need a specific version of the CLI, you can pin the version with:
cargo install solana-verify --version $VERSION
If desired, you can install a version directly from a specific commit:
cargo install solana-verify --git --rev 13a1db2
Prepare project
To verify against a repository it needs to have a Cargo.lock
file in the root
directory of your repository. If you only have one program in your repository
and a cargo.lock
file in your root you can directly go to the next step and
build your program.
If your program is in a subfolder and you have a rust workspace you need to
create a workspace Cargo.toml
file in the root directory of your repository.
You can use this Cargo.toml
example as a preset:
[workspace]members = ["program/programs/*"]resolver = "2"[profile.release]overflow-checks = truelto = "fat"codegen-units = 1[]opt-level = 3incremental = falsecodegen-units = 1
Make sure that your program is in the workspace/members
array and that the
of your program has the correct lib
name configured.
Important is the
lib name
not the package name!
Something like this:
[package]name = "waffle"version = "0.1.0"edition = "2021"[lib]name = "waffle"crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"][dependencies]solana-program = "2.1.0"
In this repository you
can see an example of a workspace with a program in a subfolder. Notice also
that when the program is in a subfolder you later need to add this folder as
to the verify-from-repo
In this repository you can find an anchor example. In this repository you can find a native rust example.
With this Cargo.toml
file in place you can then run cargo generate-lockfile
to create a lock file and continue to building your program.
Building Verifiable Programs
To verifiably build your Solana program, navigate to the directory containing
your workspace's Cargo.toml
file and run:
solana-verify build
This will copy your environment into a docker container and build it in a deterministic way.
Make sure that you actually deploy the verified build and don't accidentally overwrite it with
anchor build
orcargo build-sbf
since these will most likely not result into the same hash and though your verification will fail.
For projects with multiple programs, you can build a specific program by using the library name (not the package name):
solana-verify build --library-name $PROGRAM_LIB_NAME
This process ensures deterministic builds and can take some time, especially on certain systems (e.g., M1 MacBook) because it is running within a docker container. For faster builds, using a Linux machine running x86 architecture is recommended.
Once the build completes, you can retrieve the hash of the executable using the following command:
solana-verify get-executable-hash target/deploy/$
Deploying Verifiable Programs
Once you have built your program and retrieved its hash, you can deploy it to the Solana network. It is recommended to use a multi-signature or governance solution like Squads Protocol for safe deployments, but you can also directly deploy with:
solana program deploy -u $NETWORK_URL target/deploy/$ --program-id $PROGRAM_ID --with-compute-unit-price 50000 --max-sign-attempts 100 --use-rpc
A currently fitting low priority fee you can request from your rpc provider for example Quicknode.
To verify the deployed program matches the built executable, run:
solana-verify get-program-hash -u $NETWORK_URL $PROGRAM_ID
You may have different versions deployed on different Solana clusters (i.e. devnet, testnet, mainnet). Ensure you use the correct network URL for the desired Solana cluster you want to verify a program against. Remote verification will only work on mainnet.
Verifying against repositories
To verify a program against its public repository, use:
solana-verify verify-from-repo -u $NETWORK_URL --program-id $PROGRAM_ID$REPO_PATH --commit-hash $COMMIT_HASH --library-name $PROGRAM_LIB_NAME --mount-path $MOUNT_PATH
While you run the verified build in your program directory, when running
you need to add the--mount-path
flag. This will be the path to the folder containing theCargo.toml
that contains your program's library name.
This command compares the onchain program hash with the executable hash built from the source at the specified commit hash.
At the end the command will ask you if you want to upload your verification data onchain. If you do that the Solana Explorer will immediately show your program's verification data. Until it was verified by a remote build it will show as unverified. Learn how you can verify your program against a public API in the next step.
If you want to lock the verification to a certain release, you can append the
flag to the command.
Verify against public API
Finally you can also directly verify the program against anyone that is running the verify API::
solana-verify verify-from-repo --remote -um --program-id PhoeNiXZ8ByJGLkxNfZRnkUfjvmuYqLR89jjFHGqdXY
It is recommended to use a payed RPC Url because otherwise you may run into rate limits of the free RPCs. So instead of
you should use--url yourRpcUrl
for a more reliable verification.
The --remote
flag sends a build request to the OtterSec API, which triggers a
remote build of your program. Once the build is complete, the system verifies
that the onchain hash of your program matches the hash of the generated build
artifact from your repository.
The default is the OtterSec API.
Make sure to pick yes when you are asked to upload the verification data onchain. This is used by the API to verify that you uploaded the verification data.
You can also trigger a remote job manually by using:
solana-verify remote submit-job --program-id <program-id> --uploader <address>
Where the uploader is the address that has the authority to write to the PDA. That should be program authority in most cases. If your program is controlled by a multisig please continue in the multisig verification part of this guide below.
This will submit a job to the OtterSec API and you can then verify the job status with:
solana-verify remote get-job-status --job-id <job-id>
Once the verification has completed successfully, which may take awhile, you will be able to see your program as verified in the OtterSec API for single programs and in the Solana Explorer, SolanaFM, SolScan and eventually also on the community-run website maintained by 0xDeep and the OtterSec verified programs API and at last in the Verified Programs Dune Dashboard contributing to a more healthy Solana ecosystem.
How to verify your program when its controlled by a Multisig like Squads
For the remote verification to work you need to write the verification data into a PDA signed by the program authority. If your program is controlled by a multisig you can export this write PDA transaction and submit it through Squads Protocol or another multisig solution of your choice.
1. Build the verifiable program
First build the program:
solana-verify build
This will build a verifiable build using a docker container using the solana
version specified in the Cargo.lock
2. Deploy the program
solana config set --url "PayedMainnetRPCAddress" // the public endpoint will be rate limited too muchsolana program deploy target/deploy/
For the rest of this multisig guide, we will use an example program ID of
3. Commit and verify against repository
Once that is done we commit the project to to github. Here is an example:
Optional: See if you can verify locally first (this command uses example program
ID 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD
solana-verify verify-from-repo --program-id 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD
Just to make sure your parameters are correct.
4. Transfer program authority to multisig
If you have not yet transfer your programs authority to the multisig and copy the multisig authority. You need it in the next step.
5. Export PDA transaction
When you have you program authority locally you are prompted to upload the build
data onchain when using the command solana-verify verify-from-repo
Since you can not do that when you are using a multisig you need to export the PDA transaction manually and then trigger the transaction through Squads.
solana-verify export-pda-tx --program-id 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD --uploader <your program authority> --encoding base58 --compute-unit-price 0
This will return you a base58 transaction. If you want a base64 encoded
transaction for use in a transaction inspector, you can use --encoding base64
6. Submit transaction through Squads
Go to the squads transaction builder and import the base58 encoded transaction. Make sure that in the simulation the transaction only has a call to the osec verify program and the computer budget program and nothing else!
7. Submit remote verification job
Once the transaction to squads was successful you can submit the remote job:
solana-verify remote submit-job --program-id 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD--uploader <your program authority>
This is it! You have verified your program against a public repository and submitted a remote job to the OtterSec API. You should be able to see it reflect in the solana explorer and other places now.
8. Updating the program (Optional)
When you update your program you need to export a new PDA transaction and submit it through Squads again.
Doing an update to the program:
solana-verify buildsolana program write-buffer target/deploy/ --with-compute-unit-price 50000 --max-sign-attempts 50
Then transfer that buffer authority to the multisig or directly create the buffer with the authority of the multisig.
solana program set-buffer-authority Fu3k79g53ZozAj47uq1tXrFy4QbQYh7y745DDsxjtyLR --new-buffer-authority 3JG6ULvZVCrkKtSSskKNJGe8RNZGFe8Ruev9KUhxzK5K
9. Export and submit new PDA transaction
Don't forget to commit your changes to github. Export the PDA upgrade transaction again:
solana-verify export-pda-tx --program-id 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD --uploader 3JG6ULvZVCrkKtSSskKNJGe8RNZGFe8Ruev9KUhxzK5K
Submit the transaction through Squads again.
You can see an example transaction here.
Then submit for another remote build:
solana-verify remote submit-job --program-id 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD --uploader 3JG6ULvZVCrkKtSSskKNJGe8RNZGFe8Ruev9KUhxzK5K
Should result in something like this:
Verification request sent with request id: b63339d2-163e-49ac-b55d-3454c1c2b5b3Verification in progress... ⏳ [00:18:02] ✅ Process completed. (Done in 18minutes) Program 6XBGfP17P3KQAKoJb2s5M5fR4aFTXzPeuC1af2GYkvhD has been verified.✅ The provided GitHub build matches the on-chain hash. On Chain Hash:96f8c3d9400258f7759408d1f6f8435b4a24d9b52f5a0340d97907e567cb8773 ExecutableHash: 96f8c3d9400258f7759408d1f6f8435b4a24d9b52f5a0340d97907e567cb8773 Repo URL: the verification status at: Joburl:
Congratulations you have verified your program after a multisig upgrade!
Verify from docker image
You can also verify your program against a docker image by running the following command:
solana-verify verify-from-image -eexamples/hello_world/target/deploy/ -iellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest -p2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn
This command loads up the image stored at
, and verifies that the hash
of the executable path in the container is the same as the hash of the on-chain
program supplied to the command. Because the build was already uploaded to an
image, there is no need for a full rebuild of the executable which can take a
long time.
The Dockerfile that creates the image
can be found in the ellipsis
labs repository
Below is the expected output:
Verifying image: "ellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest", on network"" against program ID2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn Executable path in container:"examples/hello_world/target/deploy/"Executable hash:08d91368d349c2b56c712422f6d274a1e8f1946ff2ecd1dc3efc3ebace52a760 Program hash:08d91368d349c2b56c712422f6d274a1e8f1946ff2ecd1dc3efc3ebace52a760 Executablematches on-chain program data ✅
Example verified build
Here’s an example of verifying an example program with the ID
using the source code from this
solana-verify verify-from-repo --url YOUR-RPC-URL --program-id FWEYpBAf9WsemQiNbAewhyESfR38GBBHLrCaU3MpEKWv --mount-path waffle --library-name waffle --commit-hash 5b82b86f02afbde330dff3e1847bed2d42069f4e
By default the verify-from-repo
command takes the last commit on the main
branch. You can also define a certain commit in case you want to continue
working on the repository by using the commit-hash
--commit-hash 5b82b86f02afbde330dff3e1847bed2d42069f4e
Finally you can also directly verify the program against the OtterSec API:
solana-verify verify-from-repo --url YOUR-RPC-URL --remote --program-id FWEYpBAf9WsemQiNbAewhyESfR38GBBHLrCaU3MpEKWv --mount-path waffle --library-name waffle --commit-hash 5b82b86f02afbde330dff3e1847bed2d42069f4e
The --remote
command sends a build request to the OtterSec API, which triggers
a remote build of your program. Once the build is complete, the system verifies
that the onchain hash of your program matches the hash of the generated build
artifact from your repository.
Popular programs that are already verified
solana-verify verify-from-repo -um --program-id PhoeNiXZ8ByJGLkxNfZRnkUfjvmuYqLR89jjFHGqdXY
Final Output:
Executable Program Hash from repo: 6877a5b732b3494b828a324ec846d526d962223959534dbaf4209e0da3b2d6a9On-chain Program Hash: 6877a5b732b3494b828a324ec846d526d962223959534dbaf4209e0da3b2d6a9Program hash matches ✅
Squads V3
solana-verify verify-from-repo --commit-hash c95b7673d616c377a349ca424261872dfcf8b19d --program-id SMPLecH534NA9acpos4G6x7uf3LWbCAwZQE9e8ZekMu -um --library-name squads_mpl --bpf
Notice we needed to specify the
because the Squads repo includes multiple programs. We use the--bpf
flag becausesquads_mpl
was previously verified with Anchor.
Final Output:
Executable Program Hash from repo: 72da599d9ee14b2a03a23ccfa6f06d53eea4a00825ad2191929cbd78fb69205cOn-chain Program Hash: 72da599d9ee14b2a03a23ccfa6f06d53eea4a00825ad2191929cbd78fb69205cProgram hash matches ✅
Drift V2
solana-verify verify-from-repo -um --program-id dRiftyHA39MWEi3m9aunc5MzRF1JYuBsbn6VPcn33UH --commit-hash 110d3ff4f8ba07c178d69f9bfc7b30194fac56d6 --library-name drift
Final Output:
Executable Program Hash from repo: e31d58edeabc3c30bf6f2aa60bfaa5e492b41ec203e9006404b463e5adee5828On-chain Program Hash: e31d58edeabc3c30bf6f2aa60bfaa5e492b41ec203e9006404b463e5adee5828Program hash matches ✅
Marginfi V2
solana-verify verify-from-repo -um --program-id MFv2hWf31Z9kbCa1snEPYctwafyhdvnV7FZnsebVacA --commit-hash d33e649e415c354cc2a1e3c49131725552d69ba0 --library-name marginfi -- --features mainnet-beta
Final Output:
Executable Program Hash from repo: 890d68f48f96991016222b1fcbc2cc81b8ef2dcbf280c44fe378c523c108fad5On-chain Program Hash: 890d68f48f96991016222b1fcbc2cc81b8ef2dcbf280c44fe378c523c108fad5Program hash matches ✅
Using verified builds on Solana ensures the integrity and trustworthiness of your programs on the network and allow developers to find your SDKs directly from a Solana Explorer. By leveraging tools like the Solana Verify CLI and Docker, you can maintain verifiable and secure builds that align with your source code. Always take the necessary precautions to use consistent environments, and consider governance solutions for safe upgrades and deployments.
Security + Disclaimer
While verified builds are a powerful tool for ensuring the integrity of your Solana programs it is not completely trustless in the default setup. The docker images are built and hosted by the Solana Foundation.
Be aware that you are building your project in a downloaded docker image and that your whole setup gets copied into that docker image for building including potentially sensitive information.
If you want to have a completely trustless setup you can build the docker images yourself and host them on your own infrastructure. This way you can be sure that the docker images are not tampered with. You can find the scripts to create your own docker images in the Verified builds repository and you can fork it and run the github actions yourself or validate that they are correct.
Furthermore for the remote verification you are trusting the OtterSec API and the Solana Explorer to a certain degree.
The API or Solana Explorer may potentially display incorrect information if compromised.
If you want to have a completely trustless setup you can run the
Verify API yourself
or run the program verification locally yourself using the verify-from-repo
command using the on chain verify data that is saved in a
that is derived from the programs deploy authority and the
verify program.
The verify program is deployed by the OtterSec team and is not yet frozen so it can be upgraded at any time.
The Solana Foundation, OtterSec and the Ellipsis Labs team are not responsible for any losses or damages that may occur from using the verified builds pipeline.
Security.txt for Solana programs
In addition to verified builds you can also add a security.txt
file to your
program. In the future, once implemented, the security.txt
will hold the
verifier public key for easy access to the verification data stored in the
verification PDA. The PDA containing all the information needed to build and
verify a program is derived from the programs address and the verifier pubkey.
By default this is the same pubkey that built and deployed the program. But it
can also be another pubkey that can be specified in the security.txt
The security.txt
feature allows developers to embed contact and security
information directly within their Solana smart contracts. Inspired by, this approach provides a
standardized way for security researchers to reach out to project maintainers,
even if they only know the contract's address.
Why use security.txt?
For many projects, especially smaller or private ones, identifying the
developers from just the contract address can be difficult and time-consuming.
Embedding a security.txt
file within the program ensures that security
researchers can easily contact the correct people, potentially preventing
exploits and ensuring timely bug reports.
How to implement security.txt
To add a security.txt
to your Solana program, include the following steps:
Add the solana-security-txt
dependency to your Cargo.toml
[dependencies]solana-security-txt = "1.1.1"
Use the security_txt!
macro in your contract to define your security
information. You can include contact details, project URLs, and even a security
policy. Here's an example:
#[cfg(not(feature = "no-entrypoint"))]use {default_env::default_env, solana_security_txt::security_txt};#[cfg(not(feature = "no-entrypoint"))]security_txt! {name: "MyProject",project_url: "",contacts: ",discord:security#1234",policy: "",// Optional Fieldspreferred_languages: "en,de",source_code: "",source_revision: "5vJwnLeyjV8uNJSp1zn7VLW8GwiQbcsQbGaVSwRmkE4r",source_release: "",encryption: "",auditors: "Verifier pubkey: 5vJwnLeyjV8uNJSp1zn7VLW8GwiQbcsQbGaVSwRmkE4r",acknowledgements: "Thank you to our bug bounty hunters!"}
Once the security.txt
information is embedded in your program, it can be
easily queried via tools like the Solana Explorer, ensuring that your contact
and security details are available to anyone looking to report potential issues.
Best practices
Use Links: For information likely to change (e.g., contact details), it's recommended to link to a web page rather than hard-coding them into the contract. This avoids the need for frequent program upgrades.
Verification: Before deploying, verify the format and content using the
tool, which can validate both onchain programs and local binaries:
query-security-txt target/bpfel-unknown-unknown/release/
By embedding security contact information directly into your contract, you make it easier for researchers to reach you, fostering better security and communication within the Solana ecosystem.
This is an example of how security.txt looks in the Solana Explorer
The security.txt
project is maintained by
Neodyme Labs