Create a Token Account

What's a Token Account?

A token account is an account type in Solana's Token Programs that stores information about an individual's ownership of a specific token (mint). Each token account is associated with a single mint and tracks details like the token balance and owner.

Token Account Type
/// Account data.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct Account {
/// The mint associated with this account
pub mint: Pubkey,
/// The owner of this account.
pub owner: Pubkey,
/// The amount of tokens this account holds.
pub amount: u64,
/// If `delegate` is `Some` then `delegated_amount` represents
/// the amount authorized by the delegate
pub delegate: COption<Pubkey>,
/// The account's state
pub state: AccountState,
/// If `is_native.is_some`, this is a native token, and the value logs the
/// rent-exempt reserve. An Account is required to be rent-exempt, so
/// the value is used by the Processor to ensure that wrapped SOL
/// accounts do not drop below this threshold.
pub is_native: COption<u64>,
/// The amount delegated
pub delegated_amount: u64,
/// Optional authority to close the account.
pub close_authority: COption<Pubkey>,

Note that in the source code, developers call a Token account an Account type. Both the Token Program and Token Extension Program share the same base implementation for the Token account.

To hold tokens for a specific mint, users must first create a token account. Each token account keeps track of:

  1. A specific mint (the token type the token account holds units of)
  2. An owner (the authority who can transfer tokens from the account)

Here's an example using USD Coin (USDC) on Solana:

  • The USD Coin mint address: EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
  • Circle (the USD Coin issuer) has a token account at 3emsAVdmGKERbHjmGfQ6oZ1e35dkf5iYcS6U4CPKFVaa
  • This token account only holds units of the USD Coin token (mint)
  • Circle has owner authority at 7VHUFJHWu2CuExkJcJrzhQPJ2oygupTWkL2A2For4BmE and can transfer these tokens

You can view the details of this token account on Solana Explorer.

The term "owner" is used in two different contexts:

  1. The token account "owner" - This is an address stored in the token account's data as the "owner" field of the Account type defined by the Token Program. The owner can transfer, burn, or delegate tokens from the account. This address is sometimes referred to as the "authority" of the token account to distinguish it from the program owner.

  2. The program "owner" - This refers to the program that owns the account data on Solana. For token accounts, this is always either the Token Program or Token Extension Program, as specified in the "owner" field of the base Solana Account type.

When working with token accounts, "owner" typically refers to the authority that can spend the tokens, not the program that owns the account.

What's an Associated Token Account?

An associated token account is a token account with an address that's a Program Derived Address (PDA) created by the Associated Token Program. You can think of an associated token account as the default token account for a user to hold units of a specific token (mint).

The term "associated token accounts" only applies to token accounts that the Associated Token Program creates.

Associated token accounts provide a deterministic way to find a user's token account for any given mint. You can inspect the implementation of the derivation here.

Associated Token Account Address Derivation
pub fn get_associated_token_address_and_bump_seed_internal(
wallet_address: &Pubkey,
token_mint_address: &Pubkey,
program_id: &Pubkey,
token_program_id: &Pubkey,
) -> (Pubkey, u8) {
&wallet_address.to_bytes(), // Owner's public key
&token_program_id.to_bytes(), // Token Program or Token Extension Program
&token_mint_address.to_bytes(), // Token mint address
program_id, // Associated Token Program ID

This deterministic derivation ensures that for any combination of wallet address and token mint, there exists exactly one associated token account address. This approach makes it simple to find a user's token account for any given token mint, eliminating the need to track token account addresses separately.

The Associated Token Program functions as a helper program that creates token accounts with deterministic addresses (PDAs). When creating an associated token account, the Associated Token Program makes a CPI (Cross-Program Invocation) to either the Token Program or Token Extension Program. The token program owns the created account which has the same Account type structure as defined in the token program. The Associated Token Program maintains no state - it simply offers a standardized way to create token accounts at a deterministic address that's a PDA.

How to Create a Token Account

To create a Token Account, invoke the InitializeAccount instruction. You can find implementations of this instruction here.

The transaction to create a token account needs two instructions:

  1. Invoke the System Program to create and allocate space for a token account and transfer ownership to the Token Program.
  2. Invoke the Token Program to initialize the token account data.


import {
} from "@solana/kit";
import { getCreateAccountInstruction } from "@solana-program/system";
import {
} from "@solana-program/token-2022";
// Create Connection, local validator in this example
const rpc = createSolanaRpc("");
const rpcSubscriptions = createSolanaRpcSubscriptions("ws://");
// Get latest blockhash to include in transaction
const { value: latestBlockhash } = await rpc.getLatestBlockhash().send();
// Generate keypairs for fee payer
const feePayer = await generateKeyPairSigner();
// Fund fee payer
await airdropFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })({
recipientAddress: feePayer.address,
lamports: lamports(1_000_000_000n),
commitment: "confirmed",
// Generate keypair to use as address of mint
const mint = await generateKeyPairSigner();
// Get default mint account size (in bytes), no extensions enabled
const space = BigInt(getMintSize());
// Get minimum balance for rent exemption
const rent = await rpc.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space).send();
// Instruction to create new account for mint (token 2022 program)
// Invokes the system program
const createAccountInstruction = getCreateAccountInstruction({
payer: feePayer,
newAccount: mint,
lamports: rent,
programAddress: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,
// Instruction to initialize mint account data
// Invokes the token 2022 program
const initializeMintInstruction = getInitializeMintInstruction({
mint: mint.address,
decimals: 2,
mintAuthority: feePayer.address,
const instructions = [createAccountInstruction, initializeMintInstruction];
// Create transaction message
const transactionMessage = pipe(
createTransactionMessage({ version: 0 }), // Create transaction message
(tx) => setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner(feePayer, tx), // Set fee payer
(tx) => setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash(latestBlockhash, tx), // Set transaction blockhash
(tx) => appendTransactionMessageInstructions(instructions, tx), // Append instructions
// Sign transaction message with required signers (fee payer and mint keypair)
const signedTransaction =
await signTransactionMessageWithSigners(transactionMessage);
// Send and confirm transaction
await sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })(
{ commitment: "confirmed" },
// Get transaction signature
const transactionSignature = getSignatureFromTransaction(signedTransaction);
console.log("Mint Address: ", mint.address);
console.log("Transaction Signature: ", transactionSignature);
// Generate keypair to use as address of token account
const tokenAccount = await generateKeyPairSigner();
// Get token account size (in bytes)
const tokenAccountSpace = BigInt(getTokenSize());
// Get minimum balance for rent exemption
const tokenAccountRent = await rpc
// Instruction to create new account for token account (token 2022 program)
// Invokes the system program
const createTokenAccountInstruction = getCreateAccountInstruction({
payer: feePayer,
newAccount: tokenAccount,
lamports: tokenAccountRent,
space: tokenAccountSpace,
programAddress: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,
// Instruction to initialize token account data
// Invokes the token 2022 program
const initializeTokenAccountInstruction = getInitializeAccount2Instruction({
account: tokenAccount.address,
mint: mint.address,
owner: feePayer.address,
const instructions2 = [
// Create transaction message for token account creation
const tokenAccountMessage = pipe(
createTransactionMessage({ version: 0 }), // Create transaction message
(tx) => setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner(feePayer, tx), // Set fee payer
(tx) => setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash(latestBlockhash, tx), // Set transaction blockhash
(tx) => appendTransactionMessageInstructions(instructions2, tx), // Append instructions
// Sign transaction message with required signers (fee payer and token account keypair)
const signedTokenAccountTx =
await signTransactionMessageWithSigners(tokenAccountMessage);
// Send and confirm transaction
await sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })(
{ commitment: "confirmed" },
// Get transaction signature
const tokenAccountTxSignature =
console.log("Token Account Address:", tokenAccount.address);
console.log("Transaction Signature:", tokenAccountTxSignature);


use anyhow::Result;
use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
use solana_sdk::{
signature::{Keypair, Signer},
use spl_token_2022::{
id as token_2022_program_id,
instruction::{initialize_account, initialize_mint},
state::{Account, Mint},
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Create connection to local validator
let client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(
let recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
// Generate a new keypair for the fee payer
let fee_payer = Keypair::new();
// Airdrop 1 SOL to fee payer
let airdrop_signature = client.request_airdrop(&fee_payer.pubkey(), 1_000_000_000)?;
loop {
let confirmed = client.confirm_transaction(&airdrop_signature)?;
if confirmed {
// Generate keypair to use as address of mint
let mint = Keypair::new();
// Get default mint account size (in bytes), no extensions enabled
let mint_space = Mint::LEN;
let mint_rent = client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(mint_space)?;
// Instruction to create new account for mint (token 2022 program)
let create_account_instruction = create_account(
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // payer
&mint.pubkey(), // new account (mint)
mint_rent, // lamports
mint_space as u64, // space
&token_2022_program_id(), // program id
// Instruction to initialize mint account data
let initialize_mint_instruction = initialize_mint(
&mint.pubkey(), // mint
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // mint authority
Some(&fee_payer.pubkey()), // freeze authority
2, // decimals
// Create transaction and add instructions
let transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(
&[create_account_instruction, initialize_mint_instruction],
&[&fee_payer, &mint],
// Send and confirm transaction
let transaction_signature = client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&transaction)?;
println!("Mint Address: {}", mint.pubkey());
println!("Transaction Signature: {}", transaction_signature);
// Generate keypair to use as address of token account
let token_account = Keypair::new();
// Get token account size (in bytes)
let token_account_space = Account::LEN;
let token_account_rent = client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(token_account_space)?;
// Instruction to create new account for token account (token 2022 program)
let create_token_account_instruction = create_account(
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // payer
&token_account.pubkey(), // new account (token account)
token_account_rent, // lamports
token_account_space as u64, // space
&token_2022_program_id(), // program id
// Instruction to initialize token account data
let initialize_token_account_instruction = initialize_account(
&token_account.pubkey(), // account
&mint.pubkey(), // mint
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // owner
// Create transaction and add instructions
let transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(
&[&fee_payer, &token_account],
// Send and confirm transaction
let transaction_signature = client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&transaction)?;
println!("Token Account Address: {}", token_account.pubkey());
println!("Transaction Signature: {}", transaction_signature);

How to Create an Associated Token Account

To create an Associated Token Account, invoke the Create instruction. You can find implementations of this instruction here.

The instruction to create an associated token account automatically invokes the System Program to create the token account and invokes the Token Program to initialize the token account data. This happens through Cross Program Invocations (CPI).


import {
} from "@solana/kit";
import { getCreateAccountInstruction } from "@solana-program/system";
import {
} from "@solana-program/token-2022";
// Create Connection, local validator in this example
const rpc = createSolanaRpc("");
const rpcSubscriptions = createSolanaRpcSubscriptions("ws://");
// Generate keypairs for fee payer
const feePayer = await generateKeyPairSigner();
// Fund fee payer
await airdropFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })({
recipientAddress: feePayer.address,
lamports: lamports(1_000_000_000n),
commitment: "confirmed",
// Generate keypair to use as address of mint
const mint = await generateKeyPairSigner();
// Get default mint account size (in bytes), no extensions enabled
const space = BigInt(getMintSize());
// Get minimum balance for rent exemption
const rent = await rpc.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space).send();
// Get latest blockhash to include in transaction
const { value: latestBlockhash } = await rpc.getLatestBlockhash().send();
// Instruction to create new account for mint (token 2022 program)
// Invokes the system program
const createAccountInstruction = getCreateAccountInstruction({
payer: feePayer,
newAccount: mint,
lamports: rent,
programAddress: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,
// Instruction to initialize mint account data
// Invokes the token 2022 program
const initializeMintInstruction = getInitializeMintInstruction({
mint: mint.address,
decimals: 2,
mintAuthority: feePayer.address,
const instructions = [createAccountInstruction, initializeMintInstruction];
// Create transaction message
const transactionMessage = pipe(
createTransactionMessage({ version: 0 }),
(tx) => setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner(feePayer, tx),
(tx) => setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash(latestBlockhash, tx),
(tx) => appendTransactionMessageInstructions(instructions, tx),
// Sign transaction message with all required signers
const signedTransaction =
await signTransactionMessageWithSigners(transactionMessage);
// Send and confirm transaction
await sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })(
{ commitment: "confirmed" },
// Get transaction signature
const transactionSignature = getSignatureFromTransaction(signedTransaction);
console.log("Mint Address: ", mint.address.toString());
console.log("Transaction Signature: ", transactionSignature);
// Use findAssociatedTokenPda to derive the ATA address
const [associatedTokenAddress] = await findAssociatedTokenPda({
mint: mint.address,
owner: feePayer.address,
tokenProgram: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,
"Associated Token Account Address: ",
// Get a fresh blockhash for the second transaction
const { value: latestBlockhash2 } = await rpc.getLatestBlockhash().send();
// Create instruction to create the associated token account
const createAtaInstruction = await getCreateAssociatedTokenInstructionAsync({
payer: feePayer,
mint: mint.address,
owner: feePayer.address,
// Create transaction message
const transactionMessage2 = pipe(
createTransactionMessage({ version: 0 }),
(tx) => setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner(feePayer, tx),
(tx) => setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash(latestBlockhash2, tx),
(tx) => appendTransactionMessageInstructions([createAtaInstruction], tx),
// Sign transaction message with all required signers
const signedTransaction2 =
await signTransactionMessageWithSigners(transactionMessage2);
// Send and confirm transaction
await sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })(
{ commitment: "confirmed" },
// Get transaction signature
const transactionSignature2 = getSignatureFromTransaction(signedTransaction2);
console.log("Transaction Signature: ", transactionSignature2);


use anyhow::Result;
use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;
use solana_sdk::{
signature::{Keypair, Signer},
use spl_associated_token_account::{
get_associated_token_address_with_program_id, instruction::create_associated_token_account,
use spl_token_2022::{id as token_2022_program_id, instruction::initialize_mint, state::Mint};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Create connection to local validator
let client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(
let recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
// Generate a new keypair for the fee payer
let fee_payer = Keypair::new();
// Airdrop 1 SOL to fee payer
let airdrop_signature = client.request_airdrop(&fee_payer.pubkey(), 1_000_000_000)?;
loop {
let confirmed = client.confirm_transaction(&airdrop_signature)?;
if confirmed {
// Generate keypair to use as address of mint
let mint = Keypair::new();
// Get default mint account size (in bytes), no extensions enabled
let mint_space = Mint::LEN;
let mint_rent = client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(mint_space)?;
// Instruction to create new account for mint (token 2022 program)
let create_account_instruction = create_account(
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // payer
&mint.pubkey(), // new account (mint)
mint_rent, // lamports
mint_space as u64, // space
&token_2022_program_id(), // program id
// Instruction to initialize mint account data
let initialize_mint_instruction = initialize_mint(
&mint.pubkey(), // mint
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // mint authority
Some(&fee_payer.pubkey()), // freeze authority
2, // decimals
// Create transaction and add instructions
let transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(
&[create_account_instruction, initialize_mint_instruction],
&[&fee_payer, &mint],
// Send and confirm transaction
let transaction_signature = client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&transaction)?;
println!("Mint Address: {}", mint.pubkey());
println!("Transaction Signature: {}", transaction_signature);
// Get the latest blockhash for the next transaction
let recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash()?;
// Derive the associated token account address for fee_payer
let associated_token_account = get_associated_token_address_with_program_id(
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // owner
&mint.pubkey(), // mint
&token_2022_program_id(), // program_id
// Instruction to create associated token account
let create_ata_instruction = create_associated_token_account(
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // funding address
&fee_payer.pubkey(), // wallet address
&mint.pubkey(), // mint address
&token_2022_program_id(), // program id
// Create transaction and add instruction
let transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(
// Send and confirm transaction
let transaction_signature = client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&transaction)?;
"Associated Token Account Address: {}",
println!("Transaction Signature: {}", transaction_signature);

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