Create a Token Mint
What's a Mint Account?
A mint account is an account type in Solana's Token Programs that uniquely represents a token on the network and stores global metadata about the token.
/// Mint data.#[repr(C)]#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]pub struct Mint {/// Optional authority used to mint new tokens. The mint authority may only/// be provided during mint creation. If no mint authority is present/// then the mint has a fixed supply and no further tokens may be/// mint_authority: COption<Pubkey>,/// Total supply of supply: u64,/// Number of base 10 digits to the right of the decimal decimals: u8,/// Is `true` if this structure has been initializedpub is_initialized: bool,/// Optional authority to freeze token freeze_authority: COption<Pubkey>,}
Note that both the Token Program and Token Extension Program share the same base implementation for the Mint account.
Every token on Solana exists as a mint account where the address of the mint account is its unique identifier on the network.
For example, the USD Coin (USDC) digital dollar on Solana has the mint address
. This mint address serves as USD
Coin's unique identifier across the entire Solana ecosystem. You can view
details about this mint account on
Solana Explorer.
How to Create a Mint Account
To create a Mint Account, invoke the
instruction. You can find implementations of this instruction
The transaction to create a mint account needs two instructions:
- Invoke the System Program to create and allocate space for a mint account and transfer ownership to the Token Program.
- Invoke the Token Program to initialize the mint account data.
import {airdropFactory,appendTransactionMessageInstructions,createSolanaRpc,createSolanaRpcSubscriptions,createTransactionMessage,generateKeyPairSigner,getSignatureFromTransaction,lamports,pipe,sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory,setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner,setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash,signTransactionMessageWithSigners,} from "@solana/kit";import { getCreateAccountInstruction } from "@solana-program/system";import {getInitializeMintInstruction,getMintSize,TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,} from "@solana-program/token-2022";// Create Connection, local validator in this exampleconst rpc = createSolanaRpc("");const rpcSubscriptions = createSolanaRpcSubscriptions("ws://");// Generate keypairs for fee payerconst feePayer = await generateKeyPairSigner();// Fund fee payerawait airdropFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })({recipientAddress: feePayer.address,lamports: lamports(1_000_000_000n),commitment: "confirmed",});// Generate keypair to use as address of mintconst mint = await generateKeyPairSigner();// Get default mint account size (in bytes), no extensions enabledconst space = BigInt(getMintSize());// Get minimum balance for rent exemptionconst rent = await rpc.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space).send();// Instruction to create new account for mint (token 2022 program)// Invokes the system programconst createAccountInstruction = getCreateAccountInstruction({payer: feePayer,newAccount: mint,lamports: rent,space,programAddress: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ADDRESS,});// Instruction to initialize mint account data// Invokes the token 2022 programconst initializeMintInstruction = getInitializeMintInstruction({mint: mint.address,decimals: 9,mintAuthority: feePayer.address,});const instructions = [createAccountInstruction, initializeMintInstruction];// Get latest blockhash to include in transactionconst { value: latestBlockhash } = await rpc.getLatestBlockhash().send();// Create transaction messageconst transactionMessage = pipe(createTransactionMessage({ version: 0 }), // Create transaction message(tx) => setTransactionMessageFeePayerSigner(feePayer, tx), // Set fee payer(tx) => setTransactionMessageLifetimeUsingBlockhash(latestBlockhash, tx), // Set transaction blockhash(tx) => appendTransactionMessageInstructions(instructions, tx), // Append instructions);// Sign transaction message with required signers (fee payer and mint keypair)const signedTransaction =await signTransactionMessageWithSigners(transactionMessage);// Send and confirm transactionawait sendAndConfirmTransactionFactory({ rpc, rpcSubscriptions })(signedTransaction,{ commitment: "confirmed" },);// Get transaction signatureconst transactionSignature = getSignatureFromTransaction(signedTransaction);console.log("Mint Address:", mint.address);console.log("Transaction Signature:", transactionSignature);
use anyhow::Result;use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient;use solana_sdk::{commitment_config::CommitmentConfig,program_pack::Pack,signature::{Keypair, Signer},system_instruction::create_account,transaction::Transaction,};use spl_token_2022::{id as token_2022_program_id, instruction::initialize_mint, state::Mint};fn main() -> Result<()> {// Create connection to local validatorlet client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(String::from(""),CommitmentConfig::confirmed(),);let recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash()?;// Generate a new keypair for the fee payerlet fee_payer = Keypair::new();// Airdrop 1 SOL to fee payerlet airdrop_signature = client.request_airdrop(&fee_payer.pubkey(), 1_000_000_000)?;client.confirm_transaction(&airdrop_signature)?;loop {let confirmed = client.confirm_transaction(&airdrop_signature)?;if confirmed {break;}}// Generate keypair to use as address of mintlet mint = Keypair::new();let mint_space = Mint::LEN;let rent = client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(mint_space)?;// Create account instruction for mintlet create_account_instruction = create_account(&fee_payer.pubkey(), // payer&mint.pubkey(), // mint addressrent, // rentmint_space as u64, // space&token_2022_program_id(), // program id);// Initialize mint account datalet initialize_mint_instruction = initialize_mint(&token_2022_program_id(), // program id&mint.pubkey(), // mint address&fee_payer.pubkey(), // mint authoritySome(&fee_payer.pubkey()),// freeze authority9, // decimals)?;// Create transaction and add instructionslet transaction = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(&[create_account_instruction, initialize_mint_instruction],Some(&fee_payer.pubkey()),&[&fee_payer, &mint],recent_blockhash,);// Send and confirm transactionlet transaction_signature = client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&transaction)?;println!("Mint Address: {}", mint.pubkey());println!("Transaction Signature: {}", transaction_signature);Ok(())}
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