voteSubscribe RPC Method

Subscribe to receive notification anytime a new vote is observed in gossip. These votes are pre-consensus therefore there is no guarantee these votes will enter the ledger.

Unstable Method

This subscription is unstable and only available if the validator was started with the --rpc-pubsub-enable-vote-subscription flag. The format of this subscription may change in the future.




<integer> - subscription id (needed to unsubscribe)

Code sample

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "voteSubscribe" }


{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0, "id": 1 }

Notification Format:

The notification will be an object with the following fields:

  • hash: <string> - The vote hash
  • slots: <array> - The slots covered by the vote, as an array of u64 integers
  • timestamp: <i64|null> - The timestamp of the vote
  • signature: <string> - The signature of the transaction that contained this vote
  • votePubkey: <string> - The public key of the vote account, as base-58 encoded string
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "voteNotification",
"params": {
"result": {
"hash": "8Rshv2oMkPu5E4opXTRyuyBeZBqQ4S477VG26wUTFxUM",
"slots": [1, 2],
"timestamp": null
"subscription": 0

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