Scalable. Fast. Decentralized. Flexible.

Solana: A blockchain built by engineers, for engineers.

Tools for every dev

The tech stack built by the Solana ecosystem gives builders the tools they need to create applications onchain using the languages they’re used to — Rust, Python, Solidity, and more.

Featured Tool: Solana Permissioned Environments (SPEs)

Build out a custom experience. Take advantage of the Solana protocol’s fast settlement time, affordable cost, and low environmental impact by configuring a private Solana Virtual Machine instance.

Made for engineers. Ready for everyone.

A wide range of businesses have already started building what is only possible on Solana.

About Solana

Solana is a layer one blockchain protocol built to process transactions at a massive scale. A proof-of-stake network supercharged by an innovative mechanism called proof of history, Solana is designed for lightning fast consensus with extremely low fees. The tech stack built by the Solana ecosystem gives builders the tools they need to create applications onchain using the languages they’re used to — Rust, Python, Solidity, and more. It’s time to start building.


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active developers


active code repositories

It's time to get started

Have questions? Reach out to the Solana Foundation's product support team, or dig into developer courses and materials.